Chapter 22 IDP Commands Example of Global Profile Commands

In this example we rename an IDP signature profile from “old_profile” to “new_profile”, delete the “bye_profile” and show all base profiles available.

Router# configure terminal

Router(config)# idp rename signature old_profile new_profile Router(config)# no idp signature bye_profile Router(config)# show idp signature base profile

No. Base Profile Name






5dmz Router(config)#

22.3.2IDP Zone to Zone Rules

Use the following rules to apply IDP profiles to specific directions of packet travel. Table 101 IDP Zone to Zone Rule Commands



idp {signature anomaly } rule { append

Create an IDP signature or anomaly rule and enter the sub-command

<1..32> insert <1..32> }


bind profile

Binds the IDP profile to the entry’s traffic direction.

no bind

Removes the IDP profile’s binding.

[no] from-zone zone_profile

Specifies the zone the traffic is coming from. The no command removes


the zone specification.



[no] to-zone zone_profile

Specifies the zone the traffic is going to. The no command removes the


zone specification.

[no] activate

Turns on the IDP profile to traffic direction binding. The no command


turns it off.



idp {signature anomaly } rule { delete

Remove or move an IDP profile to traffic direction entry.

<1..32> move <1..32> to <1..32> }


no idp {signature anomaly } rule <1..32>

Removes an IDP profile to traffic direction entry.

show idp {signature anomaly } rules

Displays the IDP zone to zone rules.



ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide