Chapter 6 Interfaces



Table 20 interface Commands: OSPF Settings (continued)



[no] passive-interface interface_name

Sets the OSPF direction of the specified interface to in-only. The no


command makes OSPF bi-directional in the specified interface.

interface interface_name

Enters sub-command mode.

[no] ip ospf priority <0..255>

Sets the priority of the specified interface to the specified value. The


no command sets the priority to 1.

[no] ip ospf cost <1..65535>

Sets the cost to route packets through the specified interface. The no


command sets the cost to 10.

no ip ospf authentication

Disables authentication for OSPF in the specified interface.

ip ospf authentication

Enables text authentication for OSPF in the specified interface.

ip ospf authentication message-digest

Enables MD5 authentication for OSPF in the specified interface.

ip ospf authentication same-as-area

To exchange OSPF routing information with peer border routers, you


must use the same authentication method that they use. This


command makes OSPF authentication in the specified interface follow


the settings in the corresponding area.



[no] ip ospf authentication-key

Sets the simple text password for OSPF text authentication in the


specified interface. The no command clears the text password.


password: 1-8 alphanumeric characters or underscores



ip ospf message-digest-key <1..255>

Sets the ID and password for OSPF MD5 authentication in the specified

md5 password



password: 1-16 alphanumeric characters or underscores



no ip ospf message-digest-key

Clears the ID and password for OSPF MD5 authentication in the


specified interface.



[no] ip ospf hello-interval <1..65535>

Sets the number of seconds between “hello” messages to peer routers.


These messages let peer routers know the ZyWALL is available. The no


command sets the number of seconds to 10. See ip ospf dead-


interval for more information.

[no] ip ospf dead-interval <1..65535>

Sets the number of seconds the ZyWALL waits for “hello” messages


from peer routers before it assumes the peer router is not available


and deletes associated routing information. The no command sets the


number of seconds to 40. See ip ospf hello-intervalfor


more information.

[no] ip ospf retransmit-interval

Sets the number of seconds the ZyWALL waits for an acknowledgment


in response to a link state advertisement before it re-sends the




Link state advertisements (LSA) are used to share the link state and


routing information between routers.





ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide