Chapter 6 Interfaces

6.9.1 WLAN General Commands

Use these commands to configure global settings that apply to all of the wireless LAN interfaces you create on the WLAN card.

Table 32 WLAN General Commands



wlan slot_name

Specifies the slot the WLAN card is installed in and enters sub-command mode.


slot_name: The name of the slot where the WLAN card is installed in the ZyWALL. Use


slotx where x equals the number of the card slot.

[no] activate

Turns the wireless device on. The no command turns it off.

band <b g bg bgn

Sets which IEEE 802.11 wireless standard wireless clients can use to connect to the


wireless interface.






b or g


• b, g, or n


g or n.




Sets the wireless operating channel of an IEEE 802.11n interface.


wireless_channel: Specify the channel number. The numbers available vary by region.




channel-width <auto

Sets how wide a channel the IEEE 802.11n interface uses.

20m 40m>



guard-interval <short

Sets the IEEE 802.11n interface’s gap between data transmissions from users to reduce




short: increases data throughput but may make data transfer more prone to errors.


long: prioritizes data integrity but reduces data transfer rates.

[no] ampdu

For an IEEE 802.11n interface, enables or disables grouping of several A-MPDUs


(Aggregate MAC Protocol Data Unit) into one larger frame for faster data transfer rates.

[no] amsdu

For an IEEE 802.11n interface, enables or disables grouping of several A-MSDUs


(Aggregate MAC Service Data Units) into one large A-MPDU (Aggregate MAC Protocol


Data Unit) for faster data transfer rates.



[no] block-ack

Turns the IEEE 802.11n interface’s block ACK (BA) mechanism on or off. Block ACK lets


multiple frames be streamed out and acknowledged by a single frame. This cuts the wait


time between frames and increases data throughput.



qos <none wmm>

Select the WLAN Quality of Service priority for an IEEE 802.11n interface.


none: Apply no priority to traffic.


wmm: Wi-Fi Multimedia has the priority of a data packet depend on the packet’s IEEE


802.1q or DSCP header. If a packet has no WMM value assigned to it, it is assigned the


default priority.



[no] ctsrts

Sets the Clear To Send/Request To Send threshold. CTS/RTS reduces data collisions


caused by wireless clients that are associated with the same AP but out of range of one


another. The no command turns off CTS/RTS.

[no] frag <256..2346>

Sets the threshold (number of bytes) for the fragmentation boundary for directed


messages. It is the maximum data fragment size that can be sent.



[no] super

Enables super mode (fast frame and packet bursting).

role ap

Sets the ZyWALL to act as an AP (only the AP role is supported at the time of writing.

output-power [100%

Sets the wireless output power. Reducing output power can help reduce interference with

50% 25% 12.5%]

other nearby APs.

qos [none wmm}

Applies Wi-Fi Multimedia Quality of Service (QoS) or no wireless QoS.



ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide