Chapter 25 Device HA

25.4.2 Active-Passive Mode Device HA Command Example

This example configures a ZyWALL to be a master ZyWALL for active-passive mode device HA. There is a management IP address of on lan1. wan1 and lan1 are monitored. The synchronization password is set to “mySyncPassword”.

Router(config)# device-ha ap-mode lan1 manage-ip Router(config)# device-ha ap-mode role master

Router(config)# device-ha ap-mode master sync authentication password mySyncPassword Router(config)# device-ha ap-mode wan1 activate

Router(config)# device-ha ap-mode lan1 activate Router(config)# device-ha activate

25.5 Legacy Mode (VRRP) Device HA

This section covers device HA using VRRP, VRRP groups, and synchronization.

Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Overview

Every computer on a network may send packets to a default gateway, which can become a single point of failure. Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), allows you to create redundant backup gateways to ensure that the default gateway is always available. The ZyWALL uses a custom VRRP implementation and is not compatible with standard VRRP.

VRRP Group Overview

In the ZyWALL, you should create a VRRP group to add one of its interfaces to a virtual router. You can add any Ethernet interface, VLAN interface, or virtual interface (created on top of Ethernet interfaces or VLAN interfaces) with a static IP address. You can only enable one VRRP group for each interface, and you can only have one active VRRP group for each virtual router.

25.6 Legacy Mode (VRRP) Device HA Commands

The following table identifies the values required for many device-hacommands. Other input values are discussed with the corresponding commands.

Table 127 Input Values for device-ha Commands


vrrp_group_name The name of the VRRP group. The name can consist of alphanumeric characters, the underscore, and the dash and may be up to fifteen alphanumeric characters long.

The following sections list the device-hacommands.



ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide