AES-100 User’s Guide

This command sets the syslog facility for the UNIX system.

4.7.3Syslog Server Command

Syntax: sys> syslog server <server IP>


<server IP> =

IP address of syslog server.

This command sets the UNIX syslog server IP address. If <server IP>= (default), then logs will be dropped (not be sent).

4.8System Error Log Commands

The system error log will record error events locally to the AES-100 memory. You may clear or display these logs using the commands listed in this section.

The following lists what logs the system error log can record.

• ADSL link on (port number, sequence number,

• ADSL link down (port number, sequence


rate, noise margin, attenuation)


number, noise margin, attenuation)



Console session begin

Console session end

Telnet session begin

Telnet session end

Incorrect telnet password

• Insecure telnet access (IP address)

FTP session begin

FTP session end

Incorrect FTP password

• Insecure FTP access (IP address)

• FTP image error (reason)

• FTP receive file OK (file name)

System reboot

4.8.1Errlog Display Command

Syntax: sys> errlog display

This command displays the system error log.

4.8.2Errlog Clear Command

Syntax: sys> errlog clear

This command clears the system error log.

If you clear a log (using the errlog clear command), you may not view it again.


System Commands