Chapter 5 Tutorials

1Click Configuration > Aggregation > LACP. Enable LACP on ports for which you want to create a trunk group using LACP. Leave the other fields to their default settings. Click Save.

5.10 How to Analyze Traffic Using Mirroring

With mirroring, you can copy a traffic flow (passing through the source port(s)) to another port (a destination port you copy the traffic to) in order that you can examine the traffic from the destination port without interference.

You can also use remote port mirroring to monitor multiple switches across your network. In remote port mirroring, the traffic from the source port(s) is forwarded to a specific remote port mirroring VLAN through a reflector port and copied to an intermediate port. Traffic are then carried over the VLAN and sent to a destination port in a remote switch through the intermediate ports that connect to other switches.

Reflector port

Intermediate port


Destination port

Source port

Intermediate port

Intermediate port

Intermediate port




Remote Port Mirroring VLAN



GS1910/XGS1910 Series User’s Guide