Black & Decker BDG2600-B3, BDG3100-B3 Washer at all times, Do not use pressure washer while

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If proper starting procedure is not

• If engine does not start after two


followed, engine



pulls, squeeze trigger of gun to relieve


causing serious hand and arm

pump pressure. Pull starter cord





slowly until resistance is felt. Then





pull cord rapidly to avoid kickback





and prevent hand or arm injury.

The spray gun/wand is a powerful

• Keep children­ away from the pressure


cleaning­ tool that could look like a

washer at all times.


toy to a child.




• Reactive force of spray will

• Do not overreach­ or stand on an


cause gun/wand



unstable support.


and could cause the oper­a­tor­ to

• Do not use pressure washer while


slip or fall or misdirect the spray.

standing on a ladder.


Improp­er­ control



• Grip gun/wand firmly with both


can result­ in inju­ries­ to self and

hands. Expect the gun to kickback





when triggered.






• Fuel or oil can leak or spill and

• If pressure washer is equipped with

could result in fire or breathing

a fuel shut-off valve, turn the valve to

hazard. Seri­ous­ inju­ry­ or death can

the OFF position before transporting

result­. Fuel or oil leaks will damage­

to avoid fuel leaks. If pressure­ wash­

carpet, paint or other­ surfaces in

er is not equipped with a fuel shut-off

vehi­cles­ or trailers.

valve, drain the fuel from tank before

• Oil could fill the cylinder and

transport­ing­. Only transport­ fuel in an

damage the engine if the unit is

OSHA-approved container.

not stored or transported in an

Always­ place pressure washer on a

upright position.

protective mat when transporting to


protect against damage­ to vehicle


from leaks.


Always transport and store unit in


an upright position. Remove­ pres­


sure washer from vehicle immediately


upon arrival at your destination.






• Over inflation of tires could result

• Use a tire pressure gauge to check

in serious injury and property

the tires pressure before each use


and while inflating tires; see the tire


sidewall for the correct tire pressure.


NOTE: Air tanks, compressors and


similar equipment used to inflate tires


can fill small tires similar to these very


rapidly. Adjust pressure regulator on


air supply to no more than the rating


of the tire pressure. Add air in small


increments and frequently use the tire


gauge to prevent over inflation.

30- ENG­

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Contents VEA EL Español EN LA Contraportada Part No Rev APREasy Installation Instalación FácilAbra Completamente Fully Open Page Definiciones DE Normas DE Seguridad Instrucciones DE Seguridad ImportantesEl motor Peligro Riesgo DE Explosión O Incendio¿QUÉ Puede SUCEDER? Cómo Evitarlo CombustiblePresión a una distancia mínima de PintadasIntentar realizarle mantenimiento o Un agujero o causa de pérdida de aguaSimilar en la manguera de alta presión Lavadora a presiónQue se produzcan lesiones en las Manos o los brazosCausar lesiones graves o la muerte Lo cual podría generar peligroDe incendio o inhalación. Puede Transporta en posición verticalProducto Podría provocar Una Uso doméstico Recomendados El uso de ácidos, químicosLimpiadores y Desgrasadores El intento deFamiliarícese CON LA Lavadora a Presión Elementos Básicos DE UNA Lavadora a PresiónMotor Acciona la bomba de alta presión Conecte el tubo aplicador E a la Instrucciones ParaElementos Básicos DEL Motor Pistola D y ajústelo firmementeOperación Terminología DE LA Lavadora a PresiónCaracterísticas DE Operación DE LA Lavadora a Presión Estuco y ladrillo pintado Vinilo, revestimientoExterior pintado Luego de usar productos químicos, coloque la manga de Cómo Emplear Productos Químicos Y Solventes Para LimpiezaAplicación de productos químicos BDG2600-B3 Aplicación de productos químicos BDG3100-B3Arranque FIG No use agua caliente, sólo agua fríaSuelte el gatillo para detener el flujo de agua Motor MantenimientoApagado Bomba ConexionesCómo Limpiar EL Filtro DE Entrada DEL Agua FIG Bomba FIGModelo AccesoriosEspecificaciones BDG2600-B3 BDG3100-B3Garantía DEL Motor Información DE ServicioGarantía Limitada Responsabilidad DEL Comprador Original Usuario InicialEsta Garantía no Cubre PÉRDIDAS, Daños NI Gastos Guía DE Diagnóstico DE ProblemasProblema Causa Corrección LAS Garantías IMPLÍCITAS, Incluidas LAS DE ComercialidadPara el Uso del Tubo Aplicador Para el Limpiador de BoquillasEl Uso del Tubo Aplicador 25-­ SP Safety Guidelines Definitions Important Safety Instructions What can Happen HOW to Prevent IT Do not spray flammable liquids Never touch, grasp or attempt to coverNot use a lance and/or lance/gun When using replacement lances orGuns with this pressure washer, do Combination that is shorter in lengthCarpet, paint or other­ surfaces Washer at all timesDo not use pressure washer while Upon arrival at your destinationWith this product could result­ Osene,­ or any other flammableOr any kind of flamma­ble­ solvent Unplug any electri­cal­ly­ oper­at­ed­GET to Know the Pressure Washer Basic Elements of a Pressure Washer FIGBasic Elements of AN Engine Assembly InstructionsOperation Pressure Washer TerminologyHOW to USE Spray Wand Pressure Washer Operating FeaturesPressure Adjustments Thermal Relief ValveNozzle Spray Uses Surfaces Color Pattern Yellow Unpainted Or brick walkways Hard surfacesDamaged due to chemicals will not be covered under warranty Starting FIGTo Apply chemicals BDG3100-B3 Do not use hot water, use cold water only Shutting Down MaintenanceNozzle Cleaning FIG Engine Pump ConnectionsStorage Clean the Water Inlet Filter FIGDamage is not Covered by the Warranty EngineLimited Warranty Accessories SpecificationsService Information Pressure WasherResponsibility of Original Purchaser Initial User See How to Use Spray Trouble Shooting GuideOperational Possible Cause Solution Issue See Nozzle CleaningWill not draw Spray wand not Into cleaning solutionCorrect procedure Chemicals Low pressure Wand paragraphEnsamblado EN LOS E.E.U.U Made in USA