Troy-Bilt 675B manual Operation, Starting and Stopping Engine

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operating your machine, carefully readand understand all safety (Section 1), controls (Section 3) and operating instructions (Section4) inthis Manual,in the separateEngine

Owner'sManual,and on the decalson the machine. Failure

to follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury.


Readthis Section of the manual thorough- ly beforeyou start the engine. Then,take time to familiarize yourself with the basic operation of the tiller before using it. Find an open, levelareaand practice using the tiller controls without engagingthe tines in the soil (put tines in "travel" setting). Only after you'vebecome completely familiar with the tiller should you begin using it in

Reverse ClutchControlWheelGearLever





Recoil Rope Starter






the garden.

Break-In Operation

Perform the following maintenanceduring

the first hours of new operation (see Sec- tion 5: Maintenanceandthe maintenance

section of the EngineOwner'sManual).

1.Changemotor oil after first 2 hours of new engine operation.

2.Checkfor loose or missing hardware on unit. Tighten or replaceas needed.

3.Checktension on forward drive belt af- ter first 2 hours of operation.

4.Checktransmission gear oil level after first 2 hours of operation.


The following steps describe how to start and stop the engine. Do not engage the

tines or wheels until you have read all of theoperatinginstructionsin thisSection. Alsoreview the safety rules in Section1: Safetyand the tiller and engine controls informationin Section3: Featuresand Controls.

2.Checkmotor oil level. SeeEngineOwn- er'sManual.

3.Checkthat all safety guards andcovers are in place.

4.Checkair cleanerand engine cooling system. SeeEngineOwner'sManual.

5.Selectaforward belt speed range (see ChangingBelt SpeedRanges in this Sec- tion).

6.Fill the fuel tank with gasoline according to the directions inthe separate Engine Owner'sManual. Follow all instructions and safety rules carefully.



Followgasoline safety rules in this manual (seeSection 1)and in the separateEngineOwner's Manual. Failureto follow gasolinesafety instructions can result in serious personal injury and property damage.

7.Attach spark plug wire to spark plug.


serious personal injury or


To helpprevent

damageto equipment:

Beforestarting engine,put WheelGear Leverinto ENGAGEposition.

Beforestarting engine,put Forward ClutchLeversandReverseClutchControl

intoneutral (disengaged)positions by releasingcontrols.

Neverrunengineindoorsor in an enclosed,poorlyventilatedarea.Engine exhaustcontainscarbonmonoxide,an odorlessanddeadlygas.

Avoid enginemufflerand nearbyareas. Temperaturesintheseareasmayexceed 150oF.

3.Put the Depth RegulatorLever into the

"travel" position (lever all the way down) so that the tines are clear of the ground.

4.Releaseall controls on the tiller.

5.If the engine is equipped with a fuel shutoff valve, turn the valve to the open position, as instructed in the separateEn- gine Owner'sManual.


Do the following before starting the en- gine.

1.Checkunit for looseor missing hard- ware. Serviceas required.

Startingthe Engine


from rotating tines. Rotating

WARNING: Keepaway


Completethe Pre-Start Check/isL


tines will causeinjury.




Put the Wheel Gear Lever(Figure 4-1)

6. Movethe EngineThrottle Leverinto the

into the ENGAGEposition.



Image 11
Contents 13/04 Formno -00586BFindingmodelnumber Operation SafetySafetyAlert Symbol TrainingGearLevertoENGAGE MaintenanceandStorageOrinspections Itawayfromthesparkplug.MoveWheelFast SafetyDecalsOperatingSymbols HotSurfacesMovingBeltsRef. Qty. Description AssemblyTools/ MaterialsNeeded For Assembly HardwareBag PartsListAttachforwardclutch Controlcable Attachreverseclutch ControlcableCheckair Whentension is correct, tighten the two jam nuts B securelyChecktransmissiongear OIL Level AttachwheelgearleverForwardClutchLevers FeaturesandcontrolsTiller Features Recoil Starter To AdjustHandlebarHeightEngineControls DepthRegulatorLeverStarting and Stopping Engine OperationWheelsand tines, releaseboth le OperatingTillerStoppingtheEngine Contact your telephoneTo Changefrom Highto LowSpeed ChangingBelt RangeSpeedsStoppingtheTiller andEngine ToChangefrom Lowto HighSpeedWith planning, you can ==..vp Tilling DepthsLet the Tiller Dothe Work AvoidMaking Footprints AvoidTilling Soggy,Wet SoilTilling Up and DownSlopesVertical Tilling Wahning Do not Clearingthe TinesLoading and UnloadingtheTiller Read the followingrecommendationsbeforetilling on slopesCheck Tire Air Pressure MaintenanceEndCap Transmission Gear Oil Service CheckHardwareEngineCleaning Air CleanerServiceSpark Plug Service Off SeasonStorage Meansthe cuttingedges face CheckingAndAdjustingTensionToCheckandAdjustTensiononthe Forward DriveBelt On DriveBeltsTo Checkand AdjustTensionon the Re- verse Drive Belt Removingthe ForwardDriveBelt Forward Drive Belt Removal InstallationInstallingthe ForwardDriveBelt Removingthe ReverseDriveBelt Installingthe ReverseDriveBeltReverse Drive Belt Removal Correction ProblemPartslist Handlebar Assembly and Control LeversDescription MODEL675B25, Ref Reve rseScrew, Ref , secures ForwardClutchCableLockwasher-546 BeltGuide,WireFormedHexHd.Screw,546-18 x 2-1/4 Bracket,ClutchCablePartno Description See NotePartno GW-9572 GW-9944 GW-1714 La GW-9400 Lb GW-9401 GW-20718 GW-9301 1916597WheelShaftIncl.Ref.6 OilSealShim,1-1J64I.D.,.O62thickA/R Shim,asabove,but.OlOthickA/ROFDENOTEST,NECUTT,NGEDGEI Transmission 618-04002 Bracket,Hood&DepthRegulator RollPinspiral,1/4x1BarAssembly,DepthAdjustment Hood,TineBumper 0EM-290-254 ROW Marker Attachment OptionalREF no TROY-BILTLLC, P.O. Box 361131, Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019 TROY-BILT Tiller Lifetime Limited Warranty