moving partsto come to a complete stop, disconnectspark plug wire and move wire awayfrom WARNING: Beforeinspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine,shut off engine, wait for all
spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage.
Carburetor / Governor Adjustment
NOTE: The tiller hood must be
removed to take off either a single tine holder or individual tines. The hood is
shall not tamper with the engine
,_ WARNING: Operators governor settings; the governor
controls the maximum safe operating speedto protect the engineandall moving parts from damagecausedby overspeed.Authorizedservice shall be sought if a problem exists.
Thecarburetor wasadjusted at the factory for best operating speed. Referto the sep- arate EngineOwner'sManualfor any ad- justment information or seeyour authorizedengine service dealer.
The governor controls the maximum safe operating speed and protects the engine andall moving parts from damagecaused by overspeeding. Do not tamper with the enginegovernor settings. Seekauthorized service if a problem exists.
Throttle Control Adjustment
If the engine does not respond to various throttle lever settings, referto the separate EngineOwner'sManualfor service infor- mation or contact your local authorizeden- gine service dealer.
Wheel Gear Cable Adjustment
When the Wheel GearLever is in DISEN- GAGE,the wheels will roll freely (free-
wheel). The wheelsshould not roll freely when the lever is in ENGAGEIf. the wheels
roll freely when the Wheel GearLever is in ENGAGE,the wheel gearcable needsto be adjustedas described below.
1. With the engine shut off and the spark
plug wire disconnected, put the Wheel GearLever in ENGAGE.
2. Loosen the top adjustment nut
the wheelgearcable bracketlocatedonthe left side rearof the transmission.
3.Push wheelgearcable (B) down and roll tiller slightly forward or backward until ec- centric lever (C) engages (locks) wheels.
Hold cable in that position and tighten top
(A) and bottom (D) adjustment nuts.
Figure5-5: Wheel gear cable assembly.
4. MoveWheel GearLeverto ENGAGEand DISENGAGEseveraltimes to check adjust- ment. The wheelsshould not roll when the lever is in ENGAGE,but they should roll when the leveris in DISENGAGEReadjust. the cable as required.
Off SeasonStorage
Whenthe tiller won'tbeused for extended periods, prepareit for storage as follows:
1.Cleanthe tiller and engine.
2.Do routine tiller lubrication (see Tiller Lubrication) andcheck for loose partsand hardware (see CheckHardware).
3.Protect the engine by performing the
enginestorageinstructions inthe separate EngineOwner'sManual.
NOTE:Besure to protect the fuel lines,car- buretor and fuel tank from gum deposits by removing fuel or by treating fuel with a fuel stabilizer (follow engine manufactur- er'srecommendations).
4.Store unit in a clean, dry area.
5.Neverstore the tiller with fuel in the fuel tank in an enclosedareawhere gas fumes could reach an open flame or spark, or where ignition sources are present (space heaters, hot water heaters, furnaces, etc.).
Thetines will wear with use andshould be inspected at the beginning of eachtilling seasonandafter every30 operating hours. Tinescan be replacedindividually or as a complete set. Neverinspect or servicethe tines unlessthe engineis stopped andthe spark plug wire is disconnected.
secured to the transmission housing with two rear bolts and two front bolts.
Tine Inspection
With use,the tines (Figure
Figure5-6: Fourfine gangs:two per side.
1.Usea 9/16" socket, 6" extension, a ratchet, and a 9/16" box wrench to loosen the nut (A,
2.Usea rubber mallet to tap the tine hold- er loose.
3.Slidethe tine assemblyoff the tine shaft.
5.Installing the tine assembly is simply the reverseof its removal. Besure the cut- ting edges face so they will enter the soil first whenthe tiller is moving forward- this meansthe cuttingedgesface towardthe operator position.
First be sure to removeany rust, uneven spots or burrs from the tine shaft, using fine sandpaper.Then greasethe tine shaft before reinstalling the tine assemblies. Tightenthe hardware very securely.