Troy-Bilt 675B manual Reverse Drive Belt Removal, Removingthe ReverseDriveBelt

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moving partsto come to a complete stop, disconnectspark plug wire and move wire awayfrom WARNING: Beforeinspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine,shut off engine, wait for all

spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage.

3.Slip the forward drive belt down and over the front of the transmission pulley (C, Figure 5-16). NOTE:For additional working room, loosen the reversebelt guide (V, Figure 5-12) and twist it out of the way.

4.Put the lower half of the belt into the

High speed groove (middle groove) or the Low speed groove (rearmost groove) of the transmission pulley (C, Figure 5-16).

5.Putthe upper half of the belt in the High speedgroove (groove closestto engine)or the Low speedgroove (rearmost groove) of the engineforward drive pulley (D, Fig- ure 5-16).

IMPORTANT: Makesure that the forward drive belt is to the inside of the wire belt guide (I, Figure5-12) andthe forward idler pulley (J).

6.Ifyou loosenedthe belt guide, wait until the reversedrive belt is installed before se- curing the belt guide.

7.install the reversedrive belt.

8.Install the belt cover and secure it with the two nuts.

9.Ifyou installeda new belt,check the ten- sion after two hours of operation


Reverse Drive Belt Removal

and Installation

NOTE:The forward drive belt must be in-

stalled before installing the reversedrive belt.



Figure5-18: Removingandinstallingreverse belt.

A. Removingthe ReverseDriveBelt:

1.Stop the engine and allow it to cool be- fore working nearthe belts. Besure the spark plug wire is disconnectedand on electric start models the ignition key is re- moved.

2.Removethe belt cover by removing the two nuts. For easier accessto the trans-

mission (lower) pulley,remove the trans- mission cover located below the trans- mission pulley.

3.Slip the reverse belt off the engine re- versepulley (A, Figure5-18). If necessary, work the belt off the pulley with your left handwhile pulling the enginerecoil starter ropewith your right hand.

4.Push the upper half of the reverse belt downward to createslack inthe belt. Then

reachunderneath the transmission and

slip the belt off the front of the transmis- sion pulley (B, Figure 5-18).

5.Pull the belt up and pastthe engine re- verse pulley (A, Figure 5-18).

B. Installingthe ReverseDriveBelt:

1.Slip the reverse belt down betweenthe engine reversepulley (A, Figure5-1B)and the engineforward drive pulley (O).

2.Loopthe bottom half of the belt overthe front of the transmission pulley (B, Figure 5-18) and seatthe belt in the front groove of the pulley.

3.Placethe belt to the inside of the reverse idler pulley (D, Figure 5-18) and the re- versebelt guide (V,Figure5-12). Then slip the upperend into the groove of the engine reversepulley (A, Figure 5-18).

4.If the reversebelt guide (V,Figure5-12) was loosened previously, center the belt guide onthe belt andtighten the mounting screw securely.

5.Install the belt cover and secure it with the two nuts. If the lower transmission

cover was removed, reinstall it with the four self-tapping screws.


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Contents Formno -00586B 13/04Findingmodelnumber Training SafetySafetyAlert Symbol OperationItawayfromthesparkplug.MoveWheel MaintenanceandStorageOrinspections GearLevertoENGAGEHotSurfacesMovingBelts SafetyDecalsOperatingSymbols FastHardwareBag PartsList AssemblyTools/ MaterialsNeeded For Assembly Ref. Qty. DescriptionAttachreverseclutch Controlcable Attachforwardclutch ControlcableAttachwheelgearlever Whentension is correct, tighten the two jam nuts B securelyChecktransmissiongear OIL Level CheckairTiller Features FeaturesandcontrolsForwardClutchLevers DepthRegulatorLever To AdjustHandlebarHeightEngineControls Recoil StarterOperation Starting and Stopping EngineContact your telephone OperatingTillerStoppingtheEngine Wheelsand tines, releaseboth leToChangefrom Lowto HighSpeed ChangingBelt RangeSpeedsStoppingtheTiller andEngine To Changefrom Highto LowSpeedAvoidTilling Soggy,Wet Soil Tilling DepthsLet the Tiller Dothe Work AvoidMaking Footprints With planning, you can ==..vpRead the followingrecommendationsbeforetilling on slopes Clearingthe TinesLoading and UnloadingtheTiller Tilling Up and DownSlopesVertical Tilling Wahning Do notCheckHardware MaintenanceEndCap Transmission Gear Oil Service Check Tire Air PressureSpark Plug Service Air CleanerServiceEngineCleaning Off SeasonStorage On DriveBelts CheckingAndAdjustingTensionToCheckandAdjustTensiononthe Forward DriveBelt Meansthe cuttingedges faceTo Checkand AdjustTensionon the Re- verse Drive Belt Installingthe ForwardDriveBelt Forward Drive Belt Removal InstallationRemovingthe ForwardDriveBelt Reverse Drive Belt Removal Installingthe ReverseDriveBeltRemovingthe ReverseDriveBelt Problem CorrectionHandlebar Assembly and Control Levers PartslistMODEL675B DescriptionForwardClutchCable Reve rseScrew, Ref , secures 25, RefBracket,ClutchCable BeltGuide,WireFormedHexHd.Screw,546-18 x 2-1/4 Lockwasher-546Partno See NotePartno Description GW-1714 La GW-9400 Lb GW-9401 GW-20718 GW-9301 1916597 GW-9572 GW-9944Shim,asabove,but.OlOthickA/R OilSealShim,1-1J64I.D.,.O62thickA/R WheelShaftIncl.Ref.6OFDENOTEST,NECUTT,NGEDGEI Transmission 618-04002 Hood,Tine RollPinspiral,1/4x1BarAssembly,DepthAdjustment Bracket,Hood&DepthRegulatorROW Marker Attachment Optional Bumper 0EM-290-254REF no TROY-BILT Tiller Lifetime Limited Warranty TROY-BILTLLC, P.O. Box 361131, Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019