CAUTION: Incorrect cable
adjustment could causethe wheelsandtines to rotate
unexpectedly.Follow adjustment procedures carefully. Failureto do so could result in personal injury or property damage.
4.Checkfor correct spring/caNetension as instructed in Section 5, Checkingand Adjusting Forward Clutch Belt Tension.
5.Whentension is correct, tighten the two jam nuts (B) securely.
Thetransmission was filled with gearoil at
the factory. However,besure to check the oil level at this time to makecertain it is
IMPORTANT: Do not operatethe tiller if the gearoil level is low. Doingso will result in severedamageto the transmission components.
1.With the tiller on level ground, pull the Depth Regulator Lever (R, Figure
plastic tie securing the lever in place. Cut and removethe tie.
2.Removethe oil level check plug (M, Fig- ure
move the plug the first time.) Thegear oil level is correct if oilstarts to flow out ofthe holeas the plug is removed. If so, securely reinstall the plug.
Figure 2-10: Gear oil level checkplug.
3.If oil does not flow from the check hole, add oil as follows:
NOTE: Do not use automatic transmission fluid or motor oil in the transmission.
(a)Cleanareaaround the fill hole (N, Fig- ure
(b)If adding only a few ounces of gear oil, use API rated
(c)Using aclean funnel, slowly add gear oil until it flows from the gear oil level check hole (N, Figure
(d)Reinstall and tighten securely the gear oil fill plug (M, Figure
1.Insert the WheelGearLever (P,Figure 2- 12) upthrough the slot in the control panel that is labeled"WHEELGEAR."
2.Insert two
screws downthrough the'%"marks onthe control paneldecalandsecurely attachthe wheel gear mounting bracket using two #10 lock washers and
3.Usea small board or rubber malletto tap the Wheel GearLever knob securely onto the lever (R, Figure
4.Securethe wheel gear cable and the re- verseclutch control cable to the
Usea tire pressuregauge to check the air pressure in both tires. Deflateor inflate both tires equally to between15 PSiand
20PSI. Besure that both tires are inflated equally or the unit will pull to one side.
Figure2-12: Attach Wheel Gear Lever.
Figure2-13:Attachwheelgearcableand re- verseclutchcablewithcableties(S).
Inspectthe hardware on the unit andtight- en any loose screws, bolts and nuts.