Troy-Bilt 675B EngineControls, DepthRegulatorLever, Recoil Starter, To AdjustHandlebarHeight

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3.Tomovethetillerinreverse,firststopall Handlebar HeightAdjustment

forwardmotionLiftupthehandlebarsun.- Handlebar height is adjustableto four dif- tilthetinesclearthegroundandpullthe ferent settings. When setting the height,


keep in mind that the handlebars will be

Thewheelswillrotateinareversedirection lower when the tines areengagedin the aslongastheleverisheldinREVERSETo. soil.


WARNING: Wheneverthe

anditwillreturntoNEUTRALNeverat. -

handlebarheight is changed,

tempt to till while movingin reverse di-


the Forward Clutchshift


mechanism must be


IMPORTANT:The engineis equipped with either a choke control or a primer bulb. Referto the EngineOwner'sManual (in- cluded in tiller literature package)to iden- tify which deviceis on your engine.

Recoil Starter

The recoil starter (H, Figure3-4) is usedto "pull-start" the engine. SeeEngine Starting and Stopping in Section4 for detailed en-


This lever (E, Figure 3-2) controls the till- ing depth of the tines. Pullthe lever straight backand slide it up or down to en- gagethe notched height settings.

Figure3-2: DepthRegulatorLever.

The highest notch (lever all the way down) raisesthe tines approximately1-1/2 inches off the ground. This "travel" position al- lows the tiller to bemoved without the tines digging into the ground.

Moving the lever up increasesthe tilling depth. The lowest notch allows a tilling depth of approximatelysix to eight inches, dependingon soil conditions.

For best results, always begin tilling at a very shallow depth setting and gradually increasetilling depth.


Regulator Leverin "travel"




position before starting engine.


This position preventsthe tines


from touching the ground until


you are readyto begintilling .Do


not attempt to till too deeplytoo


quickly. Graduallywork down


to deepertilling

depths. Failure

to follow this warning could result in personal injury or property damage.

readjusted. Beforeadjusting or checking the ForwardClutch mechanism, shut engine off, disconnect spark plug wire and prevent it from touching spark plug. Failureto follow this warning could causethe ForwardClutch mechanismto operateimproperly which could result in personal injury or property damage.

To AdjustHandlebarHeight:

1.Stop engine, wait for all parts to stop moving andthen disconnectspark plug wire.

2.Loosenthe two screws at lower ends of handlebar.

3.Loosenheight adjustment screw (F,Fig- ure 3-3) and pull keyedwasher (G)free from slots in curved height adjustment bracket.

Figure3-3: Handlebar height adjustment.

4.Move handlebarsto a new slot setting and insert the raised keyon the keyed washer into the slot. Tightenthe height ad- justment screw securely.

5.Retighten the two screws at ends of handlebar.

gine starting instructions.


Figure 3-4: Recoil starter handle.

EngineThrottle Lever

Thethrottle lever (D, Figure3-1) is usedto adjust enginespeedas well as stop the en- gine. Usethe STARTposition when start- ing the engine. Pullthe lever all way back to the STOPposition to shut the engineoff.


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Contents Formno -00586B 13/04Findingmodelnumber Training SafetySafetyAlert Symbol OperationItawayfromthesparkplug.MoveWheel MaintenanceandStorageOrinspections GearLevertoENGAGEHotSurfacesMovingBelts SafetyDecalsOperatingSymbols FastHardwareBag PartsList AssemblyTools/ MaterialsNeeded For Assembly Ref. Qty. DescriptionAttachreverseclutch Controlcable Attachforwardclutch ControlcableAttachwheelgearlever Whentension is correct, tighten the two jam nuts B securelyChecktransmissiongear OIL Level CheckairTiller Features FeaturesandcontrolsForwardClutchLevers DepthRegulatorLever To AdjustHandlebarHeightEngineControls Recoil StarterOperation Starting and Stopping EngineContact your telephone OperatingTillerStoppingtheEngine Wheelsand tines, releaseboth leToChangefrom Lowto HighSpeed ChangingBelt RangeSpeedsStoppingtheTiller andEngine To Changefrom Highto LowSpeedAvoidTilling Soggy,Wet Soil Tilling DepthsLet the Tiller Dothe Work AvoidMaking Footprints With planning, you can ==..vpRead the followingrecommendationsbeforetilling on slopes Clearingthe TinesLoading and UnloadingtheTiller Tilling Up and DownSlopesVertical Tilling Wahning Do notCheckHardware MaintenanceEndCap Transmission Gear Oil Service Check Tire Air PressureSpark Plug Service Air CleanerServiceEngineCleaning Off SeasonStorage On DriveBelts CheckingAndAdjustingTensionToCheckandAdjustTensiononthe Forward DriveBelt Meansthe cuttingedges faceTo Checkand AdjustTensionon the Re- verse Drive Belt Installingthe ForwardDriveBelt Forward Drive Belt Removal InstallationRemovingthe ForwardDriveBelt Reverse Drive Belt Removal Installingthe ReverseDriveBeltRemovingthe ReverseDriveBelt Problem CorrectionHandlebar Assembly and Control Levers PartslistMODEL675B DescriptionForwardClutchCable Reve rseScrew, Ref , secures 25, RefBracket,ClutchCable BeltGuide,WireFormedHexHd.Screw,546-18 x 2-1/4 Lockwasher-546Partno See NotePartno Description GW-1714 La GW-9400 Lb GW-9401 GW-20718 GW-9301 1916597 GW-9572 GW-9944Shim,asabove,but.OlOthickA/R OilSealShim,1-1J64I.D.,.O62thickA/R WheelShaftIncl.Ref.6OFDENOTEST,NECUTT,NGEDGEI Transmission 618-04002 Hood,Tine RollPinspiral,1/4x1BarAssembly,DepthAdjustment Bracket,Hood&DepthRegulatorROW Marker Attachment Optional Bumper 0EM-290-254REF no TROY-BILT Tiller Lifetime Limited Warranty TROY-BILTLLC, P.O. Box 361131, Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019