Troy-Bilt 675B manual Training, Operation, SafetyAlert Symbol, ForwardClutchLever

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This machine meets voluntary safety stan- dard B71.8-1996, which is sponsored by the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, Inc., and is published by the American National Standards Institute.

Wheel GearLever

Reverse Clutch Control_


ForwardClutch Lever



The engine exhaust from this productcontains chemicals known to the State of California to

cause cancer, birth defects or other reproduc- tive harm.


Rope Starter






SafetyAlert Symbol


in this manual and on the unit to alert


This is a safety alert symbol. It is used



you to potential hazards. When you see



this symbol, read and obey the



message that follows it. Failure to obey



safety messages could result in



personal injury or property damage.

Figl/re 1-1

1. Carefully readthis Own-


er'sManual,the separate EngineOwner'sManual,

andany other literatureyou may receive.Be thoroughly familiar with the controls and the proper use of the tiller and its engine. Know how to stop the unit and disengage the controls quickly.

2.Neverallow children to operatethe tiller. Neverallow adultsto operatethe tiller with- out proper instruction.

3.Keepthe area of operation clear of all persons, particularly children and pets.

4.Keepin mind that the operator or user is responsiblefor accidents or hazardsoccur- ring to other people,their property, and themselves.


1.Thoroughly inspect the areawhere the tiller is to be usedand removeall foreign objects.

2.Besure all control leversare released andthe Wheel GearLever is in ENGAGEpo- sition before starting the engine.

3.Do not operatethe tiller without wearing adequateouter garments. Avoid loose gar- ments or jewelry that could get caught in moving parts.

4.Do not operatethetiller whenbarefootor wearingsandals,sneakers,or light footwear. Wearprotectivefootwearthat will improve footingonslipperysurfaces.

5.Donot till nearundergroundelectriccables, telephonelines,pipesor hoses.If in doubt, contactyour telephoneor utilitycompany.

6.Warning:Handlefuelwith care;it is highly flammableandits vaporsareexplosiveTake. thefollowingprecautions:

a.Store fuel in containers specifically designed for this purpose.

b.Thegas capshall neverberemovedor fuel addedwhile the engine is run- ning. Allow the engineto cool for sev- eral minutes before adding fuel.

c.Keepmatches, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, openflames, and sparks away from the fuel tank and fuel container.

d.Fill fuel tank outdoors with extreme care. Neverfill fuel tank indoors. Use a funnel or spout to prevent spillage.

e. Replaceall fuel tank and container caps securely.

f.If fuel is spilled, do not attemptto start the engine, but move the machine awayfrom the area of spillage and avoid creating any source of ignition until fuel vapors have dissipated.

7.Nevermakeadjustments when engineis running (unless recommended by manu- facturer).


1.Do not put hands or feet near or under rotating parts.

2.Exerciseextreme caution when on or crossing gravel drives, walks, or roads. Stay alert for hidden hazardsor traffic. Do not carry passengers.

3.After striking a foreign object, stop the engine, remove the wire from the spark plug wire and prevent it from touching the spark plug, thoroughly inspectthe machine for any damage,and repairthe damagebe- fore restarting and operating the machine.

4.Exercisecautionto avoid slipping or fall- ing.

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Contents 13/04 Formno -00586BFindingmodelnumber Operation SafetySafetyAlert Symbol TrainingGearLevertoENGAGE MaintenanceandStorageOrinspections Itawayfromthesparkplug.MoveWheelFast SafetyDecalsOperatingSymbols HotSurfacesMovingBeltsRef. Qty. Description AssemblyTools/ MaterialsNeeded For Assembly HardwareBag PartsListAttachforwardclutch Controlcable Attachreverseclutch ControlcableCheckair Whentension is correct, tighten the two jam nuts B securelyChecktransmissiongear OIL Level AttachwheelgearleverFeaturesandcontrols Tiller FeaturesForwardClutchLevers Recoil Starter To AdjustHandlebarHeightEngineControls DepthRegulatorLeverStarting and Stopping Engine OperationWheelsand tines, releaseboth le OperatingTillerStoppingtheEngine Contact your telephoneTo Changefrom Highto LowSpeed ChangingBelt RangeSpeedsStoppingtheTiller andEngine ToChangefrom Lowto HighSpeedWith planning, you can ==..vp Tilling DepthsLet the Tiller Dothe Work AvoidMaking Footprints AvoidTilling Soggy,Wet SoilTilling Up and DownSlopesVertical Tilling Wahning Do not Clearingthe TinesLoading and UnloadingtheTiller Read the followingrecommendationsbeforetilling on slopesCheck Tire Air Pressure MaintenanceEndCap Transmission Gear Oil Service CheckHardwareAir CleanerService Spark Plug ServiceEngineCleaning Off SeasonStorage Meansthe cuttingedges face CheckingAndAdjustingTensionToCheckandAdjustTensiononthe Forward DriveBelt On DriveBeltsTo Checkand AdjustTensionon the Re- verse Drive Belt Forward Drive Belt Removal Installation Installingthe ForwardDriveBeltRemovingthe ForwardDriveBelt Installingthe ReverseDriveBelt Reverse Drive Belt RemovalRemovingthe ReverseDriveBelt Correction ProblemPartslist Handlebar Assembly and Control LeversDescription MODEL675B25, Ref Reve rseScrew, Ref , secures ForwardClutchCableLockwasher-546 BeltGuide,WireFormedHexHd.Screw,546-18 x 2-1/4 Bracket,ClutchCableSee Note PartnoPartno Description GW-9572 GW-9944 GW-1714 La GW-9400 Lb GW-9401 GW-20718 GW-9301 1916597WheelShaftIncl.Ref.6 OilSealShim,1-1J64I.D.,.O62thickA/R Shim,asabove,but.OlOthickA/ROFDENOTEST,NECUTT,NGEDGEI Transmission 618-04002 Bracket,Hood&DepthRegulator RollPinspiral,1/4x1BarAssembly,DepthAdjustment Hood,TineBumper 0EM-290-254 ROW Marker Attachment OptionalREF no TROY-BILTLLC, P.O. Box 361131, Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019 TROY-BILT Tiller Lifetime Limited Warranty