Ch 3: Error Information
3: Error Information
POST Error
There are several error messages you may encounter during POST (Power on Self Test) while the system is booting. See below for details regarding these messages.
| Code | 7 Seg. | Error Message | Root parts | Root cause |
| Port 80 |
| 0200 | 00 | Failure Fixed Disk | Hard Disk | Not correctly setup |
| 0210 | 10 | Stuck Key | Keyboard | Not functional H/W |
| 0211 | 11 | Keyboard Error | Keyboard |
| 0213 | 13 | Keyboard | Security key |
| 0232 | 32 | Extended RAM Failed at address line: xx | Memory |
| 0236 | 36 | Disabled Memory Bank Address: xx | Memory |
| 0239 | 39 | Extended RAM Failed at offset: xxxxxxxx | Memory |
| 0250 | 50 | System battery is | Battery |
| 0251 | 51 | System CMOS checksum | CMOS configuration |
| configuration used |
| 0260 | 60 | System timer error | Timer |
| 0270 | 70 | Real time clock error | Real time clock |
| 0271 | 71 | Check date and time setting | BIOS setup |
| 02B0 | B0 | Diskette Drive A error |
| 02B1 | B1 | Diskette Drive B error |
| 02B2 | B2 | Incorrect Drive A | BIOS setup |
| 02B3 | B3 | Incorrect Drive B | BIOS setup |
| 02F1 | F1 | CPU ID: xx Failed BIST | CPU xx |
| 02F3 | F3 | CPU ID: xx Failed | CPU xx |
| 02F8 | F8 | CPU ID: xx not Found | CPU xx |
| 0401 | 01 | Invalid System Configuration | BIOS setup |
| configuration utility |
| 0404 | 04 | Resource | BIOS setup |
| 0408 | 08 | System Configuration Data Read Error | BIOS setup |
| 0409 | 09 | System Configuration Data Write Error | BIOS setup |
| 0504 | 04 | Resource | BIOS setup |
Hitachi VisionBase 8880R | 53 |