To block HTTP traffic to an unwelcome Web site:
1.Specify the URL (ex. www.xxx.com) of the unwelcome Web site.
2.Select the corresponding Enabled check box.
Do not type “http://” when specifying a URL. Just type the domain name.
Fig. 103. Web-based management type setting.
The IWE3200-H can be managed locally from the LAN side, remotely from the WAN side, or from both sides. Web admin idle timeout (min) means the idle timeout period for administrator. If the management type is WAN Only or WAN and LAN, be sure to specify the port 8080 when typing a URL for managing a Router within a Web browser. For example, if the WAN interface of a Router is configured to be, the URL for managing this Router is “”.
In addition, if the management type is set to WAN Only, the Router can be configured to be man- ageable only from specific hosts. In this way, security of remote management is enhanced.
To make the Router remotely manageable from specific hosts within an IP address range:
1.Select the Only allow the following managing hosts check box.
2.Type the Starting IP address and the End IP Address of the host IP address range.
3.Select the corresponding check box next to the IP address range.
Fig. 104. UPnP settings.