B-3: Other Problems
zI forget the IP address of the LAN interface of the IWE3200-H. What can I do to connect to it using a Web browser?
zMy IWE3200-H has been set to obtain an IP address automatically by DHCP. How can I know its acquired IP address so that I can manage it using a Web browser?
Wireless Gateway/AP Browser (WLBrwsr.exe) in the “Utilities” folder on the companion CD-ROM disc. This utility can discover nearby WLAN APs, wireless routers, or IWE3200-Hs and show their MAC addresses and IP addresses. In addition, it can launch the default Web browser on your computer.
On Windows 2000/XP, Wireless Gateway/AP Browse can only be run by a user with administrator privilege.
Fig. 122. Wireless Gateway/AP Browse.
zMy IWE3200-Hstops working and does not respond to Web management requests.
The firmware of the IWE3200-Hmay be stuck in an incorrect state.
Unplug the power connector from the power jack, and then re-plug the connector to restart the IWE3200-H.
Contact our technical support representatives to report this problem, If this happens after a failed firmware upgrade process, the firmware of the IWE3200-Hmay have been corrupted.
If the IWE3200-Hstill does not work after restarting, there may be hardware component failures in the IWE3200-H.
Contact our technical support representatives for repair.