The header page for Section 2 is assigned image address 2.00. The header page for Chapter 1 of the section is assigned image address 2.01. The remaining pages of Chapter 1 are also assigned image address 2.01.
Either one of the section header or chapter header pages may later be located and retrieved using its unique image address. Pages within a chapter may later be located and retrieved by first finding the chapter header and then manually scrolling through the remaining pages of the chapter.
Controlling document level changes
The previous Indexing Scheme examples have illustrated how document levels change within a single group of documents. There are four document image levels: 3, 2, 1, and 0.
There are a number of ways in which you can set or change the document level:
•You can change image address level via the Level icon on the Operator Control Panel. Selecting the Level icon increments the image address level to Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3.
•You can send a new image address from the host PC.
•You may use the Patch Reader; feeding a document containing a particular type of patch can change document levels.
•Starting a new batch can cause the image address level to change depending on the application.
If you do not set or change the document level using one of the methods listed, the document level will be set automatically based upon the level rules (i.e., Level 2 is followed by Level 1, etc.) defined during scanner setup.