Image sizes, 3±2 Image stability, 1±38 Increasing processing ability, B±1 INIT ERROR message, 1±24, 4±2 Initialization, 1±24
problems, 4±4
INSERT TRAY message, 4±2 Inserting the shipping pins, 4±15 Inside view of printer, 1±8 Installing additional memory, B±1 Interface cables, 1±10
type used during printer testing, ix Interfaces, vi
Internet address, specifying through the display panel, 1±33 Introduction, v
Job scheduling, 1±37
K Number, 1±7
Languages for display panel, 1±5, 1±30 LCD panel, 1±27
Lines in prints, 4±5
LOAD PAPER message, 4±2 LOAD RIBBON message, 4±2 with ribbon loaded, 4±7
Location, finding for the printer, 1±3
Index±4 | January 1998 |