Item | Description |
Run once now | You can test this by clicking the Send button to immediately |
| send a report. |
Advanced > Security > Secure Protocols
You can encrypt communication between a PC and this machine using SSL encryption.After you have changed this setting, you must restart this machine. For the restarting procedure, refer to Basic > Defaults > Reset on page 9.
Item | Description |
SSL | Specifies whether or not to use the SSL protocol. |
Effective | Selects the encryption algorithm(s) to be used. |
Encryption |
HTTP Security | Specifies the security level. |
Secure | Encrypts all communication. Access is possible only with a |
Only | URL that begins with "https://." Access attempts using an |
(HTTPS) | ordinary http:// URL are automatically redirected to the URL |
| where "http://" is replaced with "https://." |
Not | Enables access for both encrypted and unencrypted |
Secure | communication. Access is possible with https:// and http:// |
(HTTPS & | URLs. The former URL establishes encrypted communication |
HTTP) | and the latter establishes normal communication. |
IPP Security | Specifies the security level. |
Secure | Encrypts all communications. |
Only (IPP |
over SSL) |
Not Secure (IPP over SSL&IPP)
Enables access for both encrypted and unencrypted communications.
NOTE: When the SSL is set to On and HTTP Security is set to Secure (HTTPS), the document boxes cannot be accessed the TWAIN driver.
Advanced > Security > IEEE802.1x
The IEEE802.1x security protocol allows the user to login to the secured networks based on the client certificates.
IEEE802.1x | Specifies whether or not to use the IEEE802.1x protocol. |