Jenn-Air 1892, 1300 Software Version Information AT, ATI9CRLF, Command Mode Guard Time AT S154

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4.7Software Version Information (AT I9)

This command tells the modem to output information about the software version.



return software version





‘an ASCII string detailing the ID and versions of the


internal processors’ <CR><LF>

An example of the return data is as follows:


Main micro:"QL3z10", Ver.:1.01.05, Date:31/10/2001

Slave micro:"Slave",Ver.:0.00.02, Date:12/11/20001

Flash Programmer:"karfl3", Ver.:1.00.03, Date:24/10/2001

Hermes®, © 2001, Wood & Douglas Ltd.

4.8Command Mode Guard Time (AT S154)

To enable the transmission of the command sequence within a packet of data, a guard time is placed around the command sequence. If the gap between the characters in the command mode string is less than this guard time, then the data string is assumed to be part of the data. This includes the gap between the last received data byte and the first “+”. The command is:


AT S154=nnn<CR><LF>


nnn =0 to 255 ms




AT S154?<CR><LF> read the setting

Read Return:



AT S154=10<CR><LF> set 10 msec time delay

4.9Centre Radio Frequency (AT S155)

The channel change system for the Hermes is based around a centre frequency. The Hermes is programmed with a factory set centre frequency that is the centre of the RF switching band. The channel change is carried out by programming a channel step size (typically 12.5kHz) and setting 00-99 above or 00-99 channels below the centre frequency. The centre frequency can be changed and stored in EEPROM for moving the programmed channels. A temporary change can also be made by storing a new centre frequency in RAM. This is not restored if power is lost to the unit.

Hermes Operator Note

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Contents Specialist RF Designs Lattice House Baughurst Basingstoke UK RG26 5LPTel +44 0 118 981 Fax +44 0 118 981 Table Of Contents Received Signal Strength Indication Rssi AT S156Handshaking Operation During Transmit and Receive List of Tables List of FiguresIntroduction RS232 Connector Connections & IndicationsPin No Function Power Connector RF ConnectorFront Panel Indications Introduction Modem OperationData Transfer Modes RS232 Data HandlingReceive-to-Transmit Turnround Time ms DescriptionMAX List of Commands Command ModeOkcrlf Errorcrlf Command SyntaxParity ATB1 Baud Rate AT B0AT F?CRLF Format Mode AT FEngineering Test Modes AT OK CrlfRXX, Dxxxcrlf Centre Radio Frequency AT S155 Command Mode Guard Time AT S154Software Version Information AT ATI9CRLFRssi Level Level at RF Input dBm ±2dB Data Quality AT S158 Radio Channel AT S157Squelch Level Level at RF Input Squelch AT S159Level Nominal Transmission Power AT S160Output Power for 1W G-MAX Output Power for 2W G-MAX Power Level Output Power DBm Tolerance NominalTest Message Period AT S162 Channel Step Size AT S161Preamble Period AT S165 Note engineering function only Over-Air Symbol Rate AT S163 Note engineering function onlyFrame Synch Tolerance AT S166 Note engineering function only Invert Symbol AT S167Squelch Delay AT S168 AT &WCRLF Restore defaults AT &Y8Radio Frequency AT &F Save parameters AT &WATT?CRLF Display parameters ATT?Do not enter unless you wish to carry out a code load Ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp RS232 Port Parameters Hardware SpecificationParameter Max SXn50 Radio SpecificationsEnclosures Mechanical SpecificationFront View of Casting EMC Vibration SpecificationsOperating conditions Type Approvals