B.7 PTProtect (PC Disc Publishers Only - Requires sep arate purchase of USB dongle)
PTProtect allows you
You can protect an existing Master DVD by first converting it to an ISO image using PTPublisher or you can protect a DVD that is stored on your hard drive as VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders. Instructions for each of the two methods are found in the instructions with the PTProtect dongle or in the PTPublisher software help file.
To protect DVDs you must first insert the PTProtect USB Dongle (100, 250, 500, 1000 or 5000 protections) into a USB port on the same computer that the Disc Publisher is connected to. Once you insert the dongle it will appear in My Computer as the next available drive letter with a Volume Label as "PTProtect.”
When PTPublisher is launched the PTProtect option will be enabled. The number of protections enabled will be visible on the Summary screen (Step 3) of the DVD Video Project or Image Project.
Note: You will receive 3 free protections before the dongle is connected. After the free protections are used the PTProtect option is still visible but not selectable.
Creating Discs 33