Special Characters
*AIX format 51 *AS400 format 51 *BASE pool size 71 *IOSYSCFG authority 10 *NIC format 51
*SYSGEN default value 10, 76 (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol) attributes 16
AA entry 76
Add TCP/IP Remote System Information (ADDTCPRSI) command 17
Add TCP/IP Route (ADDTCPRTE) command 14
default routes 15 TCP/IP remote system
information 17 TCP/IP route 12
ADDTCPRSI (Add TCP/IP Remote System Information) command 17
ADDTCPRTE (Add TCP/IP Route) command 14
exit points 80
exit point interface 85 exit programs 79, 89
application request validation
exit point interface 85 attribute
Change TCP/IP Attributes (CHGTCPA) command 16
IP datagram forwarding 16 authority
*IOSYSCFG 10 automatic configuration
creating controllers 75
CFGTCP (Configure TCP/IP) command 7
Change TCP/IP Attributes (CHGTCPA) command 16
TCP/IP attributes 16 CHGTCPA (Change TCP/IP Attributes)
command 16 command, CL
Add TCP/IP Remote System Information (ADDTCPRSI) 17
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2001
command, CL (continued) |
| ||||
Add TCP/IP Route |
| ||||
(ADDTCPRTE) | 14 |
| |||
ADDTCPRSI (Add TCP/IP Remote | ||||||
System Information) 17 |
| |||||
| |||||
Route) | 14 |
Change TCP/IP Attributes |
| |||||
(CHGTCPA) | 16 |
| ||
| |||||
Attributes) | 16 |
| ||
Create Controller Description |
| |||||
(Network) (CRTCTLNET) | 75 | |||||
Create Device Description |
| |||||
(Network) | 75 |
| ||
CRTCTLNET (Create Controller | ||||||
Description (Network)) | 75 |
| ||||
CRTDEVNET (Create Device |
| |||||
Description (Network)) | 75 |
| ||||
End TCP/IP (ENDTCP) | 26 |
| ||||
End TCP/IP Connections |
| ||||
(ENDTCPCNN) | 41 |
| |||
ENDTCP (End TCP/IP) | 26 |
| ||||
| |||||
Connections) | 41 |
| |||
Remove Exit Program |
| ||||
| |||
RMVEXITPGM (Remove Exit |
| |||||
Program) | 84 |
| |
Start TCP/IP (STRTCP) | 24 |
| ||||
STRTCP (Start TCP/IP) | 24 |
| ||||
Verify TCP/IP Connection |
| |||||
(VFYTCPCNN) | 27 |
| |||
VFYTCPCNN (Verify TCP/IP | ||||||
Connection) | 27 |
| ||
Work with Registration Information | ||||||
(WRKREGINF) | 81 |
| |||
Work with TCP/IP Network Status | ||||||
| ||||
WRKREGINF (Work with Registration | ||||||
Information) | 81 |
| ||
WRKTCPSTS (Work with TCP/IP | ||||||
Network Status) | 33 |
| |||
command, TCP/IP |
| ||
Network Status (NETSTAT) | 33 | |||||
Packet Internet Groper (PING) 27 | ||||||
command processing selection |
| |||||
exit point interface | 89 |
| |||
Configure TCP/IP (CFGTCP) |
| |||||
command | 7 |
configuring |
Configure TCP/IP menu | 7 |
| ||||
default routes | 15 |
| ||
host table | 18 |
| |
interface | 10 |
IP datagram forwarding | 16 |
| ||||
line 10 |
line description | 76 |
| |||
local domain and host name | 22 | |||||
maximum transmission unit |
| |||||
(MTU) | 13 |
configuring (continued) |
| ||||
| |||||||
multiple systems | 53 |
| |||
next hop | 12 |
| |
planning for X.25 | 2 |
| |||
ports | 62 |
remote system (X.25) information | 16 | |||||||
routes | 12 |
9 |
| ||||||
subnet mask | 12 |
| ||
TCP/IP Administration menu | 2 |
| ||||||
TCP/IP attributes | 16 |
| ||||
TCP/IP interfaces | 10 |
| ||||
TCP/IP menu | 7 |
| ||
connection |
| |
display TCP/IP connections | 48 |
| ||||||
displaying totals | 49 |
| |||
End TCP/IP Connections |
| |||||
(ENDTCPCNN) command | 41 |
| ||||||
status, work with TCP/IP |
| ||||||
connection | 38 |
| ||
verify TCP/IP connection | 27 |
| |||||
| ||||||
| |||
connection type |
| ||
Ethernet | 10 |
| |
fiber distributed data interface |
| |||||||
(FDDI) | 10 |
| |
frame relay 10 |
| |||
shielded twisted pair distributed data | ||||||||
interface (SDDI) | 10 |
| ||||
10 |
| |||
wireless LAN | 10 |
| ||
X.25 PVC | 10 |
| |
X.25 SVC | 10 |
| |
converting |
| |
files | 54 |
Create Controller Description (Network) | ||||||||
(CRTCTLNET) command | 75 |
| |||||
Create Device Description (Network) |
| |||||||
(CRTDEVNET) command | 75 |
| |||||
creating |
exit point programs | 81 |
| ||||
line description 76 |
| ||||
CRTCTLNET (Create Controller |
| ||||||
Description (Network)) command | 75 | |||||||
CRTDEVNET (Create Device Description | ||||||||
(Network)) command | 75 |
datagram forwarding 16
datagram size
determining the maximum 77 DDI (distributed data interface)
fiber distributed data interface (FDDI) 2
shielded twisted pair distributed data interface (SDDI) 2
DDN (Defense Data Network) conversion algorithm 17