Color Calibration Process for v1.1.6 Software | Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous Feed Printing System |
As a reminder, the queue name used to submit the job in the next step is [Calibration].
37.Reference Appendix B and submit the ColorPort test pattern [ColorPort_iSis] located in the folder [C:\Documents and Settings\[Current Active Windows XP Profile]\Desktop\Color Calibration Resources] to the printer using Line Printer Remote (LPR). Return to this procedure when you are finished.
38.The command prompt window should look similar to the following when you are finished typing:
39.After you have confirmed that you have the appropriate text in the command prompt window, press <Enter> to submit the job to the printer.
40.Close the command prompt and Windows Explorer windows.
41.Depending on whether you have a simplex system or a duplex system, do one of the following:
a.Select the third set of targets from the printer.
b.Select the third set of targets from the prints done by each printer.
42.Identify and mark the test patterns based on their positions as inboard, middle or outboard.
43.Cut around the dotted line edge of the test patterns.
Color Management Guide |