Connecting the ICA to a Computer using a Modem
The ICA can be connected directly to a modem for use in remote sites where a computer may not be available or desired. Any computer that has an available serial communications port and terminal emulation software can communicate with the SW Plus series inverter through a cable or modem connection.
To use a modem, the following is required:
•a terminal emulation program (see “Setting Up a Modem Connection” on page 21)
•a modem capable of auto answer, which must be set at a 9600/N81 BAUD connection
Important: Some modems automatically adjust to the highest transmission speed. The ICA communicates at 9600 BAUD only and the modem must be able to stay at this setting.
•an adapter for the DB9 connection from the phone cable to serial port adapter.
•A NULL MODEM adapter will be required for most applications. Contact the modem provider and modem documentation for more information.
•The program also assumes that the ICA is connected to a serial port with a COM number of 1. If you are using a COM port other than 1, refer to “Enter COM Port Property Values” on page 23.
To connect a modem to an inverter:
1.Install the cables as illustrated in Figure
2.Load the ICAP software on the computer. (page 14).
3.Set up your terminal emulation program. (page 21).
4.Configure the ICAP software if necessary. (page 34).
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