S t y l i s t i c S T 5 1 0 0 S e r i e s T a b l e t P C U s e r ’ s G u i d e – S e c t i o n T h r e e
2.Clean the display by wiping the screen gently using a soft cotton cloth dampened with isopropyl alcohol. Ensure that all residue has been removed from the screen before applying a new screen protector. Remove the protective coating from the adhesive side of the screen protector first, as shown in Figure
■The Stylistic ST5100 Series Tablet PC is not waterproof. Do not pour liquids on the system or wash it with a heavily soaked cloth.
■Do not place items on the top of the dis- play, or damage may occur.
Figure 3-1. Removing the Protective Sheet
3.Apply the screen protector to the display screen surface. When doing so, orient the screen protector with the adhesive side of the screen protector facing the display screen and the notched corner of the screen protector oriented as shown in Figure
Figure 3-2. Installing the screen protector
4.Apply pressure to the screen protector with your finger using a continuous wiping motion along the edges. The adhesive sets completely within 48 hours. To ensure a good seal between the screen protector and the display, do not lift the screen protector from the display once it has been applied.
Figure 3-3. Removing the protective cover
5.Remove the protective plastic cover from the face of the screen protector, as shown in Figure
6.Clean any residue left behind by the protective coating from the exposed surface of the screen protector by wiping gently with a soft cotton cloth dampened with isopropyl alcohol. Wipe the screen protector with a soft dry cloth to remove any low- tack adhesive; this will help prevent the pen tip from squeaking.
Store the Stylistic ST5100 Series Tablet PC in the Off state with a fully charged battery installed. You can store the Tablet PC in the Off state for about 30 days with a fully charged battery installed. After this period, the battery should be recharged or replaced with a charged battery.
If you intend to store the Tablet PC for a longer period of time, the small battery that maintains system time may need to be replaced. Replacement of the clock battery should only be performed by authorized technicians.
Do not expose your Tablet PC to direct sunlight for extended periods of time. High temperatures could damage your tablet.
The Tablet PC monitors its internal temperature. As the internal temperature approaches the tolerable limits of
To protect your tablet from damage and to optimize performance, keep all air all vents unobstructed, clean, and clear of debris. This may require periodic cleaning, depending upon the system environment.