IBM 9117-MMB, 9179-MHB manual Copyright IBM Corp

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The manufacturer's prices shown are the manufacturer's suggested retail prices, are current and are subject to change without notice. Dealer prices may vary.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2010, 2011


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Contents Power supplies for the 9117-MMB or 9179-MHB Page Power supplies for the 9117-MMB or 9179-MHB Copyright IBM Corporation 2010 Contents Iv Power Systems Power supplies for the 9117-MMB or 9179-MHB German safety information World Trade safety informationLaser safety information Laser complianceVi Power Systems Power supplies for the 9117-MMB or 9179-MHB Safety notices Page L003 Power Systems Power supplies for the 9117-MMB or 9179-MHB March Whats new in Power suppliesRemoving the power supply Related information Before you begin Identifying a failing part Connect the power cable a to the power supply Close the rear rack door Replacing the power supply Power supply LEDs Power supplies FRU fault and identify LED Removing a power supply Fan fault LED and fan identify button Related information Power Systems Power supplies for the 9117-MMB or 9179-MHB Removing a power supply Removing a power supply fan Power supplies Replacing a fan Connecting the power cable to the front of an expansion unit Expansion unit ac power and OCA power LEDs Related information Replacing a fan Replacing a power supply Expansion unit ac power and OCA power LEDs Related information Power Systems Power supplies for the 9117-MMB or 9179-MHB Removing an input power distribution assembly cover Related information Replacing an input power distribution assembly Connecting the power cables at the rear of an expansion unit Replacing an input power distribution assembly Replacing an input power distribution assembly cover Before you begin Common procedures for installable featuresPower Systems Power supplies for the 9117-MMB or 9179-MHB Power supplies Control panel LEDs Identifying a partControl panel Activating the indicator light for the failing part Select Display Previous Diagnostic Results and press EnterDeactivating the failing-part indicator light Related conceptsActivating the failing-part indicator light Related information Identifying a part by using the Virtual I/O Server Starting a system that is not managed by an HMC or an Sdmc Starting the system or logical partitionPower supplies Stopping a system that is not managed by an HMC or an Sdmc Stopping a system or logical partitionStopping a system by using the Hardware Management Console From the Actions menu, select Operations → Power Off Placing the system in the service position Placing the system into the operating position Removing and replacing covers for the 8202-E4B or 8205-E6B Removing the front cover Removing the front cover Removing the front cover Installing the front cover Removing the service access cover Installing the outside service access cover Installing the service access cover Installing the inside service access cover Installing the outside service access cover Removing the power cords for a rack-mounted system Connecting the power cords Tasks area expand Serviceability → Hardware → MES TasksVerifying the installed part Did the Resource Repair Action menu appear? No Go to step No. This ends the procedure Sign on with at least service level authority Verifying an installed part by using stand-alone diagnostics Choose Commit Exit to the command line Click Close Event Activating and deactivating LEDs by using the HMCSelect Manage Serviceable Events Viewing serviceable events by using the HMCSelect Actions → View Comments Deactivating a system attention LED or partition LED Select Actions → System Status and Health → Event Log Activating or deactivating identify LED by using the SdmcPower supplies Select Commit Follow any instructions that are shown Load the operating system Verifying a repairVerifying the repair in AIX Did you encounter any problems?Perform the following steps Did another Resource Repair Action 801015 display? Yes Power supplies Procedure Verifying the repair from the management console Verifying the repair in LinuxView Serviceable Event Details Closing a service callPower supplies Yes Go to step No Continue with the next step Select the No FRU Replaced for this Serviceable Event option Power Systems Power supplies for the 9117-MMB or 9179-MHB Closing a service call using AIX or Linux System hardware is functioning correctly Select the Diagnostics Routines option Power Systems Power supplies for the 9117-MMB or 9179-MHB Power supplies Yes Continue with the next step No Go to step Click Close Event Is the error class recorded in on page 91? Activating and deactivating LEDs Open Operations Open LED Status Click Actions Service and Support Hardware Identify LED Click Save settings Copyright IBM Corp Electronic emission notices TrademarksClass a Notices Ethernet connection usage restrictionAvis de conformité à la réglementation dIndustrie Canada Industry Canada Compliance StatementEuropean Community Compliance Statement Vcci Statement JapanIBM Taiwan Contact Information Electromagnetic Interference EMI Statement TaiwanPage Electromagnetic Interference EMI Statement Russia Class B NoticesIndustry Canada Compliance Statement Power Systems Power supplies for the 9117-MMB or 9179-MHB Terms and conditions Power Systems Power supplies for the 9117-MMB or 9179-MHB