Performance features
●Automatic network configuration via DNS / DHCP
●Power supply of the iRMC S2 via the system standby supply
●System Event Log (SEL) reading and processing
More information about the iRMC S2 can be found in the "iRMC S2 - integrated Remote Management Controller" user’s guide (on the ServerView Suite DVD 2 under Industry Standard Servers - Software - ServerView Suite -
Server management
Server management is implemented using the ServerView Operations Manager supplied and the PDA (Prefailure Detection and Analysis) technology from Fujitsu. PDA reports the threat of a system error or overload at an early stage, allowing preventive measures to be taken.
The ServerView Operations Manager enables the management of all PRIMERGY servers in the network via a central console. The ServerView Operations Manager supports the following functions:
●Remote storage via USB
●Remote power on
●Temperature monitoring of the CPU and the surrounding area
●Detailed status and error reports for processors and main memory
●Watchdog timer for Automatic Server Reconfiguration and Restart (ASR&R) in the event that memory modules or processors fail
●Power monitoring
●Watchdog timer for monitoring the operating system with ASR&R
Further information on the ServerView Operations Manager is provided in the associated documentation.
BX960 S1 | Operating Manual | 15 |