C H A P T E R 2
Installing Cisco MNM
This chapter provides detailed instructions for the following installation tasks:
•Performing a New Installation of Cisco MNM, page
•Upgrading from Previous Cisco MNM Releases, page
•Uninstalling Cisco MNM, page
•Displaying Current Cisco MNM Release Packages, page
•Viewing Help for Cisco MNM Install Scripts, page
•Uninstalling Cisco EMF, page
•Troubleshooting Common Installation Problems, page
Before you begin
•Read the Installation Overview, page
•Determine Your Hardware Requirements, page
•Print the Installation Checklist, page
Performing a New Installation of Cisco MNM
Task 1: Gather Installation Software and Required Information
This section describes the software and information you need before you begin the installation.
Installation Software
Cisco MNM and Cisco VSPT Software
Your order includes the following:
•Cisco Media Gateway Controller Node Manager, Release 2.8(1), including the Cisco MNM element managers that work with Cisco EMF.
•Cisco Element Management Framework (Cisco EMF) 3.2. This software includes Cisco EMF Service Packs 7, 7.1, and 7.2. Also included is ObjectStore 5.1, which provides the database management.
Cisco Media Gateway Controller Node Manager Installation Guide
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