Loading and Running Diagnostics
Failed Diagnostic
If a diagnostic test fails on a line card, testing halts with that test. The line card will not reload or come back online automatically. The following example shows a diagnostic message stream to the console for a line card located in slot 7. In the example, the card fails one of the diagnostic tests, stopping the diagnostic cycle on that test.
Router# diag 7 verbose
Running DIAG config check
Running Diags will halt ALL activity on the requested slot. [confirm]
Router# <Return>
Launching a Field Diagnostic for slot 7
Downloading diagnostic tests to slot 7 (timeout set to 400 sec.)
Field Diag download COMPLETE for slot 7
FD 7> ****************************************************
FD 7> GSR Field Diagnostics V3.0
FD 7> Compiled by award on Tue Aug 3 15:58:13 PDT 2000
FD 7> view:
FD 7> ****************************************************
FD 7> BFR_CARD_TYPE_OC48_1P_POS testing...
FD 7> running in slot 7 (128 tests)
Executing all diagnostic tests in slot 7 (total/indiv. timeout set to 600/220 sec.) FD 7> Verbosity now (0x00000001) TESTSDISP
FDIAG_STAT_IN_PROGRESS: test #1 R5K Internal Cache
FDIAG_STAT_IN_PROGRESS: test #2 Burst Operations
FDIAG_STAT_IN_PROGRESS: test #3 Subblock Ordering
FDIAG_STAT_IN_PROGRESS: test #21, error_code 5
Field Diagnostic: ****TEST FAILURE**** slot 7: last test run 21,
To Fabric SOP FIFO SRAM Memory, error 5
Field Diag eeprom values:run 0 fail mode 1 (TEST FAILURE) slot 7 last test failed was 21, error code 5
Shutting down diags in slot 7
slot 7 done, will not reload automatically
Running Diagnostics on the Cisco 12008