Cisco Systems OL-7870-02 manual Statement 1002-DC Power Supply

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Translated Safety Warnings

Statement 1002—DC Power Supply

Warning When stranded wiring is required, use approved wiring terminations, such as closed-loop or spade-type with upturned lugs. These terminations should be the appropriate size for the wires and should clamp both the insulation and conductor.

Waarschuwing Wanneer geslagen bedrading vereist is, dient u bedrading te gebruiken die voorzien is van goedgekeurde aansluitingspunten, zoals het gesloten-lus type of het grijperschop type waarbij de aansluitpunten omhoog wijzen. Deze aansluitpunten dienen de juiste maat voor de draden te hebben en dienen zowel de isolatie als de geleider vast te klemmen.

Varoitus Jos säikeellinen johdin on tarpeen, käytä hyväksyttyä johdinliitäntää, esimerkiksi suljettua silmukkaa tai kourumaista liitäntää, jossa on ylöspäin käännetyt kiinnityskorvat. Tällaisten liitäntöjen tulee olla kooltaan johtimiin sopivia ja niiden tulee puristaa yhteen sekä eristeen että johdinosan.

Attention Quand des fils torsadés sont nécessaires, utiliser des douilles terminales homologuées telles que celles à circuit fermé ou du type à plage ouverte avec cosses rebroussées. Ces douilles terminales doivent être de la taille qui convient aux fils et doivent être refermées sur la gaine isolante et sur le conducteur.

Warnung Wenn Litzenverdrahtung erforderlich ist, sind zugelassene Verdrahtungsabschlüsse, z.B. für einen geschlossenen Regelkreis oder gabelförmig, mit nach oben gerichteten Kabelschuhen zu verwenden. Diese Abschlüsse sollten die angemessene Größe für die Drähte haben und sowohl die Isolierung als auch den Leiter festklemmen.

Figyelem! Ha sodort kábelezés szükséges, csak engedélyezett kábelcsatlakozásokat használjon, például zárt hurkú vagy felfelé álló kábelsarujú, késélvégzõdésû csatlakozókat. A csatlakozók mérete feleljen meg a vezetékek méretének, a szigetelésre és a vezetõkre egyaránt rá kell csíptetve lenniük.

Avvertenza Quando occorre usare trecce, usare connettori omologati, come quelli a occhiello o a forcella con linguette rivolte verso l’alto. I connettori devono avere la misura adatta per il cablaggio e devono serrare sia l’isolante che il conduttore.

Advarsel Hvis det er nødvendig med flertrådede ledninger, brukes godkjente ledningsavslutninger, som for eksempel lukket sløyfe eller spadetype med oppoverbøyde kabelsko. Disse avslutningene skal ha riktig størrelse i forhold til ledningene, og skal klemme sammen både isolasjonen og lederen.

Aviso Quando forem requeridas montagens de instalação eléctrica de cabo torcido, use terminações de cabo aprovadas, tais como, terminações de cabo em circuito fechado e planas com terminais de orelha voltados para cima. Estas terminações de cabo deverão ser do tamanho apropriado para os respectivos cabos, e deverão prender simultaneamente o isolamento e o fio condutor.

¡Advertencia! Cuando se necesite hilo trenzado, utilizar terminales para cables homologados, tales como las de tipo "bucle cerrado" o "espada", con las lengüetas de conexión vueltas hacia arriba. Estos terminales deberán ser del tamaño apropiado para los cables que se utilicen, y tendrán que sujetar tanto el aislante como el conductor.

Cisco Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco MWR 1941-DC-A Mobile Wireless Edge Router







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Contents November 8 Revision Date Change Summary Document Revision HistoryTranslated Safety Warnings Statement 4-Power Supply Warning Translated Safety Warnings Statement 12-Power Supply Disconnection Warning Statement 8-DC Power Connection WarningTranslated Safety Warnings Statement 1064-Grounded Equipment Warning Statement 38-Power Cabling WarningStatement 43-Jewelry Removal Warning Translated Safety Warnings Statement 122-Exposed DC Power Wire Warning Statement 1001-Work During Lightning Activity Statement 1002-DC Power Supply Statement 1003-DC Power Disconnection Statement 1004-Installation Instructions 10A minimum, 60VDC Statement 1005-Circuit Breaker10A minimum, 60VDC Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1007-TN and IT Power Systems Statement 1017-Restricted Area Statement 1018-Supply Circuit Warning Bewaar Deze Instructies Statement 1071-Warning DefinitionConservez CES Informations Guarde Estas Instrucciones Statement 1021-SELV Circuit Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1023-No AWG Statement 1024-Ground Conductor Statement 1025-Use Copper Conductors Only Statement 1026-WAN Port Static Shock Statement 1029-Blank Faceplates and Cover Panels Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1030-Equipment Installation Veroorzaken of schade aan de eenheid Statement 1031-EU Public Network PortStatement 1033-SELV-IEC 60950 DC Power Supply Statement 1035-Proximity to Water Statement 1036-Telephone Jacks in Wet Locations Statement 1037-Uninsulated Wires and Terminals Statement 1040-Product Disposal Statement 1041-Disconnecting Telephone-Network Cables Statement 1043-Installation Hazard Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1045-Short-circuit Protection Statement 1046-Installing or Replacing the Unit Statement 1047-Overheating Prevention Statement 1048-Rack Stabilization Statement 1049-Rack Installation Statement 1058-Power and Relay Connector Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1065-Console Cable Connection Translated Safety Warnings OL-7870-02 European Directive Regulatory Standards Compliance Specification DescriptionEMC Environmental Conditions EMC Class a Statements/WarningsCanada Class a FCC Class aInternational Cispr 22 Class a Japan Vcci Class aFCC Part 68 Notice Telecom Approvals ListingCanada CS-03 Certification Japan Jate CertificationNew Zealand- PTC-217 Approval Obtaining Documentation DVDCisco Product Security Overview Documentation FeedbackOrdering Documentation Obtaining Technical Assistance Reporting Security Problems in Cisco ProductsCisco Technical Support Website Definitions of Service Request Severity Submitting a Service RequestObtaining Additional Publications and Information Copyright 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc