Cisco Systems OL-7870-02 manual Statement 1045-Short-circuit Protection

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Translated Safety Warnings

Statement 1045—Short-circuit Protection

Warning This product requires short-circuit (overcurrent) protection, to be provided as part of the building installation. Install only in accordance with national and local wiring regulations.

Waarschuwing Voor dit product moet kortsluitbeveiliging (overstroombeveiliging) deel uitmaken van de installatie in het gebouw. De installatie moet voldoen aan de nationale en lokale bedradingvoorschriften.

Varoitus Tämä tuote vaatii suojauksen oikosulkuja (ylivirtaa) vastaan osana asennusta rakennukseen. Asenna ainoastaan kansallisten ja paikallisten johdotussäännösten mukaisesti.

Attention La protection de ce produit contre les courts-circuits (surtensions) doit être assurée par la configuration électrique du bâtiment. Vérifiez que l'installation a lieu uniquement en conformité avec les normes de câblage en vigueur au niveau national et local.

Warnung Für dieses Produkt ist eine Kurzschlußsicherung (Überstromsicherung) erforderlich, die als Teil der Gebäudeinstallation zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Die Installation sollte nur in Übereinstimmung mit den nationalen und regionalen Vorschriften zur Verkabelung erfolgen.

Figyelem! A termékhez kötelezõ rövidzárlat (túláram) elleni védelmet használni, amelyet az épület kábelezésének részeként kell biztosítani. Csak az országos és helyi kábelezési elõírásoknak megfelelõen helyezhetõ üzembe.

Avvertenza Questo prodotto richiede una protezione contro i cortocircuiti, da fornirsi come parte integrante delle dotazioni presenti nell’edificio. Effettuare l’installazione rispettando le Norme CEI pertinenti.

Advarsel Dette produktet krever beskyttelse mot kortslutninger (overspenninger) som en del av installasjonen. Bare installer utstyret i henhold til nasjonale og lokale krav til ledningsnett.

Aviso Este produto requer proteção contra curto-circuitos (sobreintensidade de corrente), que deve estar instalada nos edifícios. Instale apenas de acordo com as normas de instalação elétrica nacionais e locais.

Advertencia Este producto necesita estar conectado a la protección frente a cortacircuitos (sobretensiones) que exista en el edificio. Instálelo únicamente en conformidad con las regulaciones sobre cableado, tanto locales como nacionales, a las que se tenga que atener.

Varning! Denna produkt kräver att kortslutningsskydd (överström) tillhandahålles som en del av byggnadsinstallationen. Installera bara i enlighet med nationella och lokala kabeldragningsbestämmelser.

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Contents November 8 Document Revision History Revision Date Change SummaryTranslated Safety Warnings Statement 4-Power Supply Warning Translated Safety Warnings Statement 8-DC Power Connection Warning Statement 12-Power Supply Disconnection WarningTranslated Safety Warnings Statement 38-Power Cabling Warning Statement 1064-Grounded Equipment WarningStatement 43-Jewelry Removal Warning Translated Safety Warnings Statement 122-Exposed DC Power Wire Warning Statement 1001-Work During Lightning Activity Statement 1002-DC Power Supply Statement 1003-DC Power Disconnection Statement 1004-Installation Instructions Statement 1005-Circuit Breaker 10A minimum, 60VDC10A minimum, 60VDC Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1007-TN and IT Power Systems Statement 1017-Restricted Area Statement 1018-Supply Circuit Warning Statement 1071-Warning Definition Bewaar Deze InstructiesConservez CES Informations Guarde Estas Instrucciones Statement 1021-SELV Circuit Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1023-No AWG Statement 1024-Ground Conductor Statement 1025-Use Copper Conductors Only Statement 1026-WAN Port Static Shock Statement 1029-Blank Faceplates and Cover Panels Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1030-Equipment Installation Statement 1031-EU Public Network Port Veroorzaken of schade aan de eenheidStatement 1033-SELV-IEC 60950 DC Power Supply Statement 1035-Proximity to Water Statement 1036-Telephone Jacks in Wet Locations Statement 1037-Uninsulated Wires and Terminals Statement 1040-Product Disposal Statement 1041-Disconnecting Telephone-Network Cables Statement 1043-Installation Hazard Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1045-Short-circuit Protection Statement 1046-Installing or Replacing the Unit Statement 1047-Overheating Prevention Statement 1048-Rack Stabilization Statement 1049-Rack Installation Statement 1058-Power and Relay Connector Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1065-Console Cable Connection Translated Safety Warnings OL-7870-02 European Directive Specification Description Regulatory Standards ComplianceEMC Class a Statements/Warnings EMC Environmental ConditionsFCC Class a Canada Class aInternational Cispr 22 Class a Japan Vcci Class aTelecom Approvals Listing FCC Part 68 NoticeJapan Jate Certification Canada CS-03 CertificationObtaining Documentation New Zealand- PTC-217 Documentation DVDOrdering Documentation Documentation FeedbackCisco Product Security Overview Cisco Technical Support Website Reporting Security Problems in Cisco ProductsObtaining Technical Assistance Submitting a Service Request Definitions of Service Request SeverityObtaining Additional Publications and Information Copyright 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc