Cisco Systems UBR924 manual Debug cable-modem mac, Usage Guidelines

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debug cable-modem mac

debug cable-modem mac

To troubleshoot the Cisco uBR924 MAC layer, use the debug cable-modem mac command in privileged EXEC mode. To turn the debugging messages off, use the no form of this command.

[no] debug cable-modem mac {log [verbose] messages}

Syntax Description


Realtime MAC log display.


(Optional) Displays periodic MAC layer events, such as ranging.


MAC layer management messages.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History


11.3 NA

This command was first introduced.



Usage Guidelines

Of all the available debug cable modem commands, the most useful is debug cable-modem mac log.

MAC log messages are written to a circular log file even when debugging is not turned on. These messages include timestamps, events, and information pertinent to these events. Enter the debug cable-modem mac log command to view MAC log messages. If you want to view this information without entering debug mode, enter the show controllers cable-modemnumber mac log command. The same information is displayed by both commands.

If the Cisco uBR924 interface fails to come up or resets periodically, the MAC log will show what happened. For example, if an address is not obtained from the DHCP server, an error is logged, initialization starts over, and the Cisco uBR924 scans for a downstream frequency. The debug cable-modem mac log command displays the log from the oldest to the newest entry.

After initial ranging is successful (dhcp_state has been reached), further RNG-REQ/RNG-RSPmessages and watchdog timer entries are suppressed from output unless the verbose keyword is used. Note that CMAC_LOG_WATCHDOG_TIMER entries while in the maintenance_state are normal when using the verbose keyword.

Troubleshooting Tips for the Cisco uBR924 Cable Access Router 67

Image 67
Contents Restrictions BenefitsRelated Documents Related Features and TechnologiesRelated Documents If MIB MIB-II List of TermsList of Terms List of Terms Cmts to Cable Modem Network Topology Understand How Basic Initialization Works Troubleshooting Steps12960 Cmts Connect to the Cisco uBR924UBR924# show controllers cable-modem 0 mac log Display the Cisco uBR924’s MAC Log FileCmaclogadjusttxpower CmacloginitialrangingminislotsCmaclogpowerlevelis CmaclogadjustrangingoffsetCmaclognoprivacy Interpret the MAC Log File and Take ActionCmaclogregistrationok CmaclogregrspackmsgqueuedInterpret the MAC Log File and Take Action Event 3-Obtain Upstream Parameters Event 4-Start Ranging for Power AdjustmentsEvent 7-Establish Security CmaclogdhcperroracquiringsecsvraddrEvent 5-Establish IP Connectivity Event 6-Establish the Time of DayCmaclogbpkmrspmsgrcvd Event 10-Comply with Baseline PrivacyCmaclogprivacyfsmstatechange CmaclogbpkmreqtransmittedEvent 11-Enter the Maintenance State Use Additional Troubleshooting CommandsCommand Reference Show controllers cable-modem Show Controllers cable-modem ExamplesShow Controllers Cable-Modem Field Descriptions Show controllers cable-modem Cisco IOS Release 12.05T Related Commands UBR924# show controllers cable-modem 0 bpkm Show controllers cable-modem bpkmDescribes the fields shown in the display Related CommandsShow controllers cable-modem des UBR924# show controllers cable-modem 0 des downstream des DES engine registers are displayed in the following exampleRelated Commands Show controllers cable-modem filters Show Controllers Cable-Modem Filters Field Descriptions Show controllers cable-modem filters Show controllers cable-modem lookup-table Mini-slot lookup table is displayed in the following example Show controllers cable-modem lookup-table Related Commands Show controllers cable-modem mac ErrorsCmaclogallucdsfound CmaclogresetfromdriverExample CmaclogwillsearchdsfrequencybandCmaclogregrspackmessageevent CmaclogprivacynotconfiguredCmaclogwatchdogtimer CmaclogresetdhcpwatchdogexpiredCMACLOGRESETT4EXPIRED UBR924# show controllers cable-modem 0 mac resetsCmaclogresetprivacywatchdogexpired CmaclogresetconfigfileparsefailedCmaclogresetlossofsync CmaclogresettodwatchdogexpiredCmaclogresetdhcpfailed CmaclogresetservicenotavailableCMACLOGRESETT6RETRIESEXHAUSTED Cmaclogresetnetaccessmissing1600 Interrupts Burst profiles profile UBR924# show controller cable-modem 0 mac state Burst Descriptor Interval Usage Code Show Controllers Cable-Modem MAC State Field Descriptions US ID Show controllers cable-modem mac Related Commands D12=FFD3FFE0 Show controllers cable-modem phyD14=FFF3FFED = Fffffe = FfffffCC CC CC CC CC 0D 0D CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC 0D Related Commands Show controllers cable-modem tuner Show controllers cable-modem Debug Commands Debug cable-modem bpkm UBR924# debug cable-modem bpkm errorsStatebauthwait Related Commands UBR924# debug cable-modem bridge Debug cable-modem bridgeRelated Commands Debug cable-modem error Debug cable-modem errorRelated Commands UBR924# debug cable-modem interrupts Debug cable-modem interruptsRelated Commands Debug cable-modem mac 014259 528302.046 Cmaclogdriverinitidbshutdown Debug cable-modem mac logCmaclogdriverinitidbshutdown UBR924# debug cable mac log verbose UBR924# debug cable mac logUBR924# debug cable-modem mac messages ? Debug cable mac messages Ehdr FixedQpsk OFFMar 014420 Debug cable-modem map Debug cable-modem mapRelated Commands