Serial Communication, cont’d
Request Information
T | h | h | h | h | •V •A | •Dur Xk •Eff Xe * Xt | ||||
Exe | •Asw |
| •TpO | i | TpA | j | •TpB | j | ||
Example responses to commands
1.Response to Request general information (I) command: T2222•V1•A2•Dur9•Eff02*01
Video type detected (T) = 2222 (PAL on all four inputs)
Video input selected (V) = 1 (video input 1)
Audio input selected (A) = 2 (audio input 2)
Duration of transition (Dur) = 9 (4.5 seconds)
Effect and transition (Eff) = 02 (soft wipe); 01
2.Response to Request general information (i) command: Exe0•Asw1•TpO1•TpA1•TpB2
Executive mode (Exe) = 0 (off)
Audio switch mode (Asw) = 1 (audio switches channels halfway through the effect)
Video output type (TpO) = 2 (PAL)
Video input 1 type (TpA) = 1 (auto)
Video input 2 type (TpB) = 2 (composite)
SVS 100 error responses
When the SVS 100 receives an SIS command and determines that it is valid, it performs the command and sends a response to the host device. If the SVS 100 is unable to perform the command because the command is invalid or contains invalid parameters, the SVS 100 returns an error response to the host. The error response codes are:
E01 — Invalid input number
E09 — Invalid function number (too large)
E10 — Invalid command
E11 — Invalid preset
E13 — Invalid value (out of range)