Extron electronic 3200s manual How to Create Rooms within the Matrix 3200/6400 System

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RRRRGG..BBB). You may also change the ordering of the planes with this screen and affect which physical connectors get which signals. For example, in a Wideband system, instead of being in RGB order, you can change it to BGR order by using the radio buttons in each plane’s choices.

Note that you may play with the settings in this screen without causing any changes to the system’s map until you press the ‘OK’ button. Even after committing the changes and viewing them in the Virtual Map screen, you can still return to this Virtual Configuration screen later and virtualize the system differently. Changes can be made freely UNTIL you begin to make ties, save presets, create rooms, or name your virtual inputs and outputs because the number of virtual inputs and outputs may be changed by re-virtualizing. Click on the ‘OK’ button to return to the Virtual Map screen.

In the Virtual Map screen, examine the physical layout of the BMEs and how the virtualization process assigned the input and output connectors to various planes. You can return to the Virtual Configuration screen if you wish to change the mapping at this time by clicking CONFIGUREVIRTUAL SWITCHER again. If the map looks correct, you may optionally assign names (up to 12 characters long) to any of the virtual inputs or outputs from the Virtual Map screen at any time. Names can also be read and edited from the system’s front panel controller, if present.

If you wish to group certain virtual outputs together so that you may later create Room Presets, now would be a good time to Create ROOMS by clicking


You can create a hard-copy document that shows all the details from the Virtual Map screen at any time by clicking the PRINT MAPS menu. The printed maps make a very handy wiring guide and will appear in color if using a color printer. You can specify which printer to use from the FILESELECT PRINTER menu in the Main screen.

From the Virtual Map screen menu, click RETURN TO MAIN and note that the number of input and output boxes shown on the Main screen matches the number of virtual input and virtual outputs created by the virtualization. The virtualization of the system is now complete and the map has been stored in BME #0. Unless the map gets destroyed or needs to be regenerated because of a system hardware reconfiguration (size, type, or number of BMEs changes) or you wish to change the virtual configuration, there is no requirement to use the Windows Virtualization/Control software. You can, however, continue to use it to control and program (set Ties, Presets, etc.) the system at any time.

How to Create ROOMS within the Matrix 3200/6400 System

The following steps use the Windows Virtualization/Control Program to optionally define Rooms in the Matrix 3200/6400 system. A Room is a group of virtual outputs that are logically associated with each other, probably by location (such as 3 video monitors and a VCR all located at a building’s security desk). A Room consists of from 1 to 16 virtual outputs and the Matrix 3200/6400 supports up to 10 Rooms. Each Room can have a name (for user friendliness, up to 12 characters long) and up to 10 Presets assigned to it (for a total of 100 Room Presets). Unlike the 32 Global Presets, Room Presets only affect those virtual outputs associated with that Room and do not change any other connections in the Matrix, making the use of Presets much more simple and flexible. Room Presets are particularly useful in conjunction with the MKP-1000 keypads.

Rooms exist only to support Room Presets.

Matrix 3200/6400 Series • Control Software


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Contents Matrix 3200 and 6400 Series Audio SwitcherInstrucciones de seguridad Español Safety Instructions EnglishConsignes de Sécurité Français Sicherheitsanleitungen DeutschMatrix 3200/6400 Series Quick Start QS-1 Quick Start Matrix 3200/6400 SeriesMatrix 3200/6400 Series Quick Start Quick Start Matrix 3200/6400 Series, cont’dTable of Contents Table of Contents, cont’d One Matrix 3200/6400 Series Introduction What is a Matrix 6400 Audio Switcher?Features Introductiontroduction, cont’dInputs Outputs Feature DescriptionsMatrix 6400 Audio Switcher Specifications Introduction, cont’dMatrix 3200/6400 System Manuals Audio input audio BME Introduction, cont’d Two Introductionstallation, cont’d Matrix 6400 Audio Switcher InstallationInstalling the Matrix 6400 Audio BME Matrix 3200/6400 Series InstallationConnecting the BME Comm interconnecting cables Setting BME AddressesApplying AC Power to the BMEs Installation, cont’dConnecting the RS-232/RS-422 Cable to BME #0 Connecting the AC Power Cables to the BMEsVirtualizing the Matrix 3200/6400 Switcher/System Using the Audio Captive Screw ConnectorsMatrix 6400 Audio Input/Output Cabling A Matrix 6400 Audio Switcher Stereo backplane D Align the stereo audio connectors before plugging them Installation, cont’d Three Matrix 3200/6400 Series Control Software ControlSoftware,cont’dMatrix 3200/6400 Series Control Software Igure 3-3.A Control Software, cont’dMatrix 3200/6400 Series Control Software A Main Screen Ties How to Create Rooms within the Matrix 3200/6400 System Igure 3-7.A Matrix 3200/6400 Series Control Software How to Program the Matrix 3200/6400 System in Emulate Mode How to Save and Restore the Matrix 3200/6400 Settings 10.A Four Programmer’ser’sGuide,Guidecont’d Serial Communications PortMatrix 3200/6400 Series Programmer’s Guide Command/Response Table Host to Switcher CommunicationsProgrammer’s Guide, cont’d COMMAND/RESPONSE TableROOM# Name Virtual Outputs VIRT-OUT# Name LVL1 LVL2 LVL6 Vmutamut ØVI Read RGB Delay for 1 ch Out Dly Set RGB Delay for 1 ch Quick Recall Preset Rpr Switcher Generated Unsolicited Responses Five Adding a Front Panel Controller to an existing system UpgradesandandTroubleshooting,co t’dUpgrade and Troubleshooting Procedures Matrix 3200/6400 Series Upgrades and TroubleshootingMatrix 6400 Audio BME Internal Access Installing a Software Update Upgrades and Troubleshooting, cont’dRibbon Cable Connectors Swapping BME #0 RS-232 / RS-422 PortsSwapping Serial Ports RS-232/RS-422 System Status Troubleshooting a Matrix 3200/6400 System ProblemPower Supplies CommunicationsPrimary A Inserting an audio card into slot Matrix 6400 Audio Switcher Upgrade Changing the Matrix SizeDetermining Audio Switcher Circuit Card Population A Audio output card gain jumpers Changing the Audio Output Card Gain JumpersAdding a Matrix 6400 Audio BME Adding BMEs to a Matrix 3200/6400 SystemSoftware Procedure Before and After a Hardware Upgrade Upgrade System Software ProcedureBefore Hardware Changes After Hardware Changes Upgrades and Troubleshooting, cont’d AAppendix a Reference InformationReferenceInformation,c t’d Matrix 3200/6400 Series Part NumbersMatrix 3200/6400 Series Reference Information Matrix 3200/6400 Series Part Numbers from previous Extron Part Matrix 6400 Wideband Switcher IofrRelated Part Numbers BNC Cables Super High Resolution SHR BNC CablesReference Information, cont’d Matrix 3200/6400 Series Part NumbersPre-cut Cables Binary/Hex/Decimal Conversion TableGlossary of terms Matrix 3200/6400 Series Reference Information Reference Information, cont’d PCB Printed Circuit Board Reference Information, cont’d Matrix 3200/6400 Series Reference Information A-11 Virtual conference room See videoconferencingReference Information, cont’d FCC Class a Notice Extron’s Warranty Extron Electronics, USA