How to Install
Chapter 3: How to Install
3.1 Hardware Installation
Setup of the
1.Plug the FSG’s power cord into a power outlet.
2.Switch on DHCP on the PC, a DHCP server is automatically on on the
3.Connect the included Ethernet Cable into the Ethernet port on the rear of
4.Connect the other end of the cable directly to the PC.
5.Check the LINK/ACT light on the UTP port you have connected on the
3.2 Install from the Application CD
1.Insert the Manual & Application CD into your CD drive. The Freecom start menu opens:
In case the software does not open automatically, please click on "Start" in the main directory of the CD.
2.Click on "Install Software" and select "FSG Assistant" to begin the installa- tion.
3.Please run FSG Assistant or use an internet browser and browse to http://fsg/ for further configuration or immediate use
4.The guest account is open to anyone and can immediately be used or setup from the FSG Assistant.
5.The admin account can be used to configure the