Do NOT force either jumper horizontally, as shown in the diagram. Doing so could cause serious damage to your
To use the 5 VDC Power over Serial option, enable jumpers JP2 and JP3, as illustrated in the following diagram. Note that when using the 5 VDC option, power is supplied via pins 9 and
Do NOT force the jumper to connect the lower pin of JP2 to the upper pin of JP3, as shown in the diagram. Doing so could cause serious damage to your
Power Status Check
Use the PWR LED indicator on NPort Express’s top panel to see if it is receiving power. A red light indicates that power is being received. The absence of a light indicates that power is not being received. If the unit is plugged in, or is receiving power over cable, then an unlit PWR LED indicator shows that something is wrong with the NPort Express unit’s operation.