Local Loopbacks
HWhen a local loopback is enabled, the red Loop Bk LED on the front panel of the initiating unit lights up and remains lit until the loopback is disabled.
HThe data flow is indicated by the bold thick arrows in Figures
HWhen the CO initiates a local loopback, an Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) is received at the CP end (only if the CP end is
CO | CP | AIS |
Loop Bk
LED lights
Diagnostic Equipment
AIS = Alarm Indication Signal
Terminal |
Figure 7-1. Local Loopback, Initiated at the CO Unit
CO | CP |
Diagnostic | Diagnostic |
Equipment | Equipment |
| Loop Bk |
| LED lights |
Figure 7-2. Local Loopback, Initiated at the CP Unit
October 1997 |