| |
1. OUT OF THE BOX | 5 | |
1.1. | Message to the User | 5 |
1.2. | Using this Manual | 5 |
1.3. | Conventions Used in This Manual | 5 |
1.4. | Disclaimer and Safety | 6 |
1.5. | Warning Regarding Medical Use | 6 |
1.6. | Packaging and Handling | 6 |
1.7. | Warranty | 7 |
1.8. | Warranty and Repair Return Procedure, Assistance and Support | 7 |
1.9. | System Requirements | 7 |
1.10. | Transport & Shipping | 8 |
1.11. | Maintenance | 8 |
1.12. | Cleaning | 9 |
1.13. | Disposal and Recycling | 9 |
2. INSTALLATION | 10 | ||
2.1. | IC414 Installation | 10 | |
2.1.1. | IC414 Hardware installation hints | 10 | |
2.1.2. | IC414 Windows software installation | 10 | |
2.2. Installing the Software under Windows | 11 | ||
2.2.1. | Warnings | 11 | |
2.2.2. | Multiple Versions | 11 | |
2.2.3. | Installation | 11 | |
2.3. Installing the Software for Linux | 21 | ||
2.3.1. | Kernel Mode Driver Compilation | 22 | |
2.3.2. | Special cases | 23 | |
2.3.3. | Environment variables for the Firmware | 23 | |
2.4. | Installing the Hardware | 23 | |
2.5. | After Restarting | 24 | |
2.5.1. | Windows 2000 | 24 | |
2.5.2. | Windows XP | 24 | |
2.6. | LabVIEW RT | 26 | |
2.7. Installing the | 27 | ||
2.8. Distribution for Windows 2000/XP and Linux | 27 |
3.1. | Overview | 28 | |
3.2. | Channel Input | 29 | |
3.2.1. | Coupling | 29 | |
3.2.2. | Impedance | 29 | |
3.2.3. | Input Protection | 29 | |
3.2.4. | Mezzanine | 29 | |
3.2.5. | Bandwidth and Rise Time | 29 | |
3.2.6. | Input Voltage and Offset | 31 | |
3.2.7. | Vertical Resolution | 31 | |
3.2.8. | DC Accuracy and Linearity | 31 | |
3.2.9. | Using Probes | 32 | |
3.3. | Data Acquisition | 32 | |
3.3.1. | Sampling Rate | 33 | |
3.3.2. | Acquisition Memory | 33 | |
3.3.3. | Single and Sequence Acquisition Modes | 33 | |
3.3.4. | DP1400 Simultaneous Multibuffer Acquisition and Readout (SMAR) | 34 | |
3.3.5. | Timing | 34 | |
3.3.6. | Timebase Range | 34 | |
3.3.7. | Combining channels | 34 | |
3.4. | Trigger | ........................................................................................................................................ | 34 |
3.4.1. | Trigger Source | 34 | |
3.4.2. | Trigger Coupling | 35 | |
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