This chapter describes how to install the Acqiris hardware and software for Windows 2000/XP, National Instruments LabVIEW RT, Linux, or Wind River VxWorks.
NOTE: For a first time installation we strongly recommend installing the software before inserting the hardware into the PC.
2.1.IC414 Installation
NOTE: If you are going to install an IC414 interface for the first time and are running Windows 2000/XP you should follow the procedure below before installing the Acqiris hardware.
2.1.1. IC414 Hardware installation hints
CAUTION: Turn off the power of the PC; the PC may have to be unplugged to ensure that the PCI bus has no power available.
CAUTION: Touch the antistatic package to a grounded object before removing the card from the package. Electrostatic discharge can damage the card.
The standard cable pair provided each have a red connector on one end and a black connector on the other. Therefore the correct connection can be made by plugging the Red connector into the L0Rx socket and the Black connector into the L0Tx socket on the PXI module and the other Red connector into the PCI module socket furthest from the PCI card internal base connector and the Black connector into the next socket.
If you intend to use
2.1.2. IC414 Windows software installation
Linux users do not need to read any further since there is no special software installation.
Windows users should have the hardware installed as noted above. This software installation should be done before any Acqiris modules are placed in the CompactPCI crates. This may mean that you have to remove the module from the crate as delivered.
The crate should be turned on first followed by the PC. If the cabling and
For Windows XP installation, Select the Control Panel under Settings in the Start menu. Then, if you are using the Category View select Printers and Other Hardware. After this, for both Category and Classic views, go to System and then display the Hardware tab to get access to the Driver Signing menu. Since neither the AdLink nor the Acqiris driver has been submitted for Windows Logo testing you must select either the Ignore or Warn action. The resulting menu looks as shown:
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