Oscilloscope Mode | Transient Recorder Mode |
4.2.2. Displaying Multiple Traces
The current channel is selected by clicking on the channel name within the upper portion of the control panel. The vertical settings of the current channel and the timebase and trigger of the correspondent digitizer are then indicated. A unique name is given to each channel installed on the PCI bus. The current channel is indicated by a dark highlight over the name. Settings changed on the main control panel will only affect the active channel. Always verify proper acquisition setting for each channel prior to collecting data.
There is a small rectangular indicator button to the left of each channel name in the channel list. If this indicator is filled in, the channel waveform is active; the channel is turned on and displayed in the display window. Clicking on this indicator once turns it transparent. This deactivates the reading of the data from the channel and clears the waveform display. Clicking once again on the indicator turns the channel back on and the indicator is filled in. After making such changes the channel data will not be displayed until after the next acquisition.
The image at the left shows a channel list with four active channels in the system. All are turned on and displayed in the display window as indicated by the black indicators at the left. The DC271 Ch1 is the currently selected channel.
The channel list image at the right shows the same system with the DC271 Ch2 selected as the current channel. The other indicators are transparent and therefore their channels are turned off and not displayed.
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