Scanning many originals at once (Job Build)
A stack of originals higher than the indicator line on the automatic document feeder cannot be scanned through the feeder.
The job build function lets you divide the stack of originals into sets, feed each set, and send the sets as a single transmission.
Sending two pages as a single page (2in1)
Use this function to reduce two original pages to half their size and send them as a single page.
This is a special function in Internet fax mode and fax mode.
The machine also has these functions
For detailed information on these functions, see "4. SPECIAL MODES" in the Image Send Guide.
•Storing sending operations (Program)
•Sending an image at a specified time (Timer Transmission)
•Transmitting originals of different sizes (Mixed Size Original)
•Scanning thin originals (Slow Scan Mode)
•Original sheets before transmission (Original Count)
•Stamping scanned originals (Verif. Stamp)
•Changing the print settings for the transaction report (Transaction Report)
•Sending a computer file
For more information on these functions, see "3. TRANSMITTING AN IMAGE" in the Image Send Guide.
•Using an extension phone
For more information on this function, see "5. SPECIAL FAX FUNCTION" in the Image Send Guide.
•Forwarding received Internet faxes to an
For more information on this function, see "6. RECEPTION FUNCTIONS" in the Image Send Guide.