Configuration Methods
An example TFTP file follows. Consult your system documentation for any other steps required to complete the TFTP configuration file.
#The E2050 gw1 Configuration File hostname: E2050
#IP allow list
allow: 15.2.*
#GPIB configuration
7Once you have added the configuration values you want, save and close the TFTP configuration file(s).
8Power on the Gateway by
As soon as it completes its hardware
The BOOTP server should respond with the BOOTP response to configure the Gateway. When the Gateway receives a valid response from the BOOTP server, the LAN Conn LED will stop flashing.
9Test that the Gateway has received the BOOTP response and has configured itself by using the ping command. This command allows you to test general network connectivity between your client computer system and the LAN/GPIB Gateway.
Chapter 3 | 61 |