By default, 802.1X is Disabled. To use EAP for security, select Enabled and set the 802.1X Global Settings for the Radius Server and applicable authentication information.
Authentication Port: sets primary port for security monitoring. Default is 1812.
Key: Masked password matching the Radius Server Key.
Confirm Key: Enter the Key a second time for confirmation.
TxPeriod: Sets the number of seconds that the switch waits for a response to an
ReAuthEnabled: This Enables or Disables the periodic ReAuthentication control. When the 802.1X function is Enabled, the ReAuthEnabled function is by default also Enabled.
QuietPeriod: Sets the number of seconds that the switch remains in the quiet state following a failed authentication exchange with the client. Default is 80 seconds
SuppTimeout: Sets the
ServerTimeout: Sets the amount of time the switch waits for a response from the client before resending the response to the authentication server. Default is 16 seconds.
MaxReq: This parameter specifies the maximum number of times that the switch retransmits an EAP Request packet to the client before it times out the authentication session. Default is 5 times.
ReAuthPeriod: This command affects the behavior of the switch only if periodic