Error Messages
You may receive the following types of error messages:
♦Data Errors
♦Communication Errors
Some errors numbered 400 – 438 and 500 – 574 are internal software errors. Errors numbered 900 – 999 are hard printer failures. If you cannot clear an error, turn off the printer, wait several seconds and then turn on the printer. Call Technical Support if you receive any error message not listed in this chapter.
Data Errors
Errors 001 to 405 and 429 to 435 are data errors. This type of error indicates that incorrect data was sent to the printer, and the printer is ignoring it. Your System Administrator should correct the packet and send it back to the printer.
Error | Description / Action |
001 | Packet ID number must be 1 to 999. |
002 | Name must be 1 to 8 characters inside quotes or a |
003 | Action must be A (add) or C (clear). |
004 | Supply length is invalid. |
005 | Supply width is invalid. |
006 | Storage devise must be R (volatile RAM). |
007 | Unit of measure must be E (English), M (Metric), or G (Dots). |
010 | Field ID number is outside the range 0 to 999. |
011 | Field length exceeds 2710. |
012 | Row field position is greater than the maximum stock dimension. |
013 | Column field position is greater than the maximum stock dimension. |
014 | Font selector is invalid. |
015Character rotation must be 0 (0 degree), 1 (90 degree), 2 (180 degree), or 3 (270 degree).
016 | Field rotation must be 0 (0 degree), 1 (90 degree), 2 (180 degree), or 3 (270 degree). |
017 | Field restriction must be V (variable) or F (fixed). |
42 ∙ Troubleshooting - 5 | Paxar Systems Group Paxar 9840CL Printer |