What’s New at Revision 8.2.0? | 15 |
To verify that you have an LMM+ module and not an LMM module installed:
1Verify that the module’s ejector tab is labeled “LMM+”.
2Determine the revision level of your LMM+. From the top level of the Administration Console, enter:
system display
To upgrade your LMM or LMM+, see “Upgrading Your LMM or LMM+” on page 1.
FESM and FSM HSI Switch Engine
You can combine the Fast Ethernet Switching Module (FESM) and the FDDI Switching Module (FSM) into a multiboard
An HSI switch engine is a combined set of FSMs, FESMs, or both, which, when inserted into the HSI bus according to specific configuration rules, operates as a single switch. Multiple FSMs and FESMs in a single HSI switch engine form a bridge out of the combined set of external ports on all modules in that switch engine. As a new module is added to an existing HSI switch engine, configuration information for the existing HSI switch engine is added to the new module. You must manually configure any
Ability to Administer Fast Ethernet Ports
New menus on the Administer menu allow you to administer Fast Ethernet ports on the Fast Ethernet Switching Module (FESM) and the
■Intelligent flow management (IFM)