Seagate ST450MM0026, ST9600204FC manual Reliability and service, Seek errors, Interface errors

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5.1.3Seek errors

A seek error is defined as a failure of the drive to position the heads to the addressed track. After detecting an initial seek error, the drive automatically performs an error recovery process. If the error recovery process fails, a seek positioning error (Error code = 15h or 02h) will be reported with a Hardware error (04h) in the Sense Key. Recoverable seek errors are specified at Less than 10 errors in 108 seeks. Unrecoverable seek errors (Sense Key = 04h) are classified as drive failures.

5.1.4Interface errors

An interface error is defined as a failure of the receiver on a port to recover the data as transmitted by the device port connected to the receiver. The error may be detected as a running disparity error, illegal code, loss of word sync, or CRC error. The total error rate for a loop of devices is the sum of the individual device error rates.

5.2Reliability and service

You can enhance the reliability of disk drives by ensuring that the drive receives adequate cooling. Section 6.0 provides temperature measurements and other information that may be used to enhance the service life of the drive. Section 8.2 provides recommended air-flow information.

5.2.1Annualized Failure Rate (AFR) and Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)

These drives shall achieve an AFR of 0.44% (MTBF of 2,000,000 hours) when operated in an environment that ensures the HDA case temperatures do not exceed the values specified in Section 6.5.1.

Operation at case temperatures outside the specifications in Section 6.5.1 may increase the AFR (decrease the MTBF).

AFR and MTBF statistics are poplulation statistics that are not relevant to individual units. AFR and MTBF specifications are based on the following assumptions for Enterprise Storage System environments:

8,760 power-on hours per year

250 average on/off cycles per year

Operating at nominal voltages

System provides adequate cooling to ensure the case temperatures specified in Section 6.5.1 are not exceeded.

5.2.2Preventive maintenance

No routine scheduled preventive maintenance is required.

5.2.3Hot plugging the drive

Inserting and removing the drive on the FC-AL will interrupt loop operation. The interruption occurs when the receiver of the next device in the loop must synchronize to a different input signal. FC error detection mecha- nisms, character sync, running disparity, word sync, and CRC are able to detect any error. Recovery is initiated based on the type of error.

The disk drive defaults to the FC-AL Monitoring state, Pass-through state, when it is powered-on by switching the power or hot plugged. The control line to an optional port bypass circuit (external to the drive), defaults to the Enable Bypass state. If the bypass circuit is present, the next device in the loop will continue to receive the output of the previous device to the newly inserted device. If the bypass circuit is not present, loop operation is temporarily disrupted until the next device starts receiving the output from the newly inserted device and regains synchronization to the new input.


Savvio 10K.4 FC Product Manual, Rev. A

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Contents Savvio 10K.4 FC ST9600204FC ST9450404FCRevision history Rev. a 03/26/10 Initial releaseContents Installation Seagate Technology support services Savvio 10K.4 FC Product Manual, Rev. a Scope Standards, compliance and reference documents StandardsElectromagnetic compatibility Electromagnetic susceptibilityEuropean Union Restriction of Hazardous Substances RoHS Reference documents Ncits TR-19General description Standard features Media descriptionFormatted capacities PerformanceReliability Programmable drive capacity Factory-installed optionsUser-installed accessories Performance characteristics Internal drive characteristicsAccess time Seek performanceFormat command execution time minutes General performance characteristicsStart/stop time Prefetch/multi-segmented cache controlCache operation Caching write data Prefetch operationReliability specifications Error ratesRecoverable Errors Unrecoverable ErrorsReliability and service Seek errorsInterface errors Preventive maintenancePerformance impact 4 S.M.A.R.TControlling S.M.A.R.T Reporting control Determining ratePredictive failures Thermal monitorState of the drive prior to testing Temperature Log Page 0DhDrive Self Test DST DST failure definitionInvoking DST Short and extended testsShort test Function Code 001b Extended test Function Code 010bProduct warranty AbortPowerChoice modes Physical/electrical specificationsPowerChoiceTM power management AC power requirements DC power requirements DC power requirements for ST9600204FC model 2Gb 4Gb AmpsDC power requirements for ST9450404FC model 2Gb 4Gb Amps Conducted noise immunity General DC power requirement notesPower sequencing Current profiles Savvio 10K.4 FC Product Manual, Rev. a Power dissipation ST9600204FCST9450404FC Relative humidity Temperature a. OperatingEnvironmental limits Shock Effective altitude sea level a. OperatingShock and vibration Package size Packaged/product weight Drop height Recommended mountingAir cleanliness Vibration a. Operating-normalAcoustics Corrosive environmentChina Restriction of Hazardous Substances RoHS Directive Mechanical specifications Mounting configuration dimensionsDrive error recovery procedures Defect and error managementDrive internal defects/errors 77.87 Media Pre-Scan FC-AL system errorsBackground Media Scan Deferred Auto-Reallocation Idle Read After WriteInstallation Drive ID/option selectionDrive orientation CoolingDrive mounting Air flowGrounding FC-AL features Fibre Channel link service framesLink services supported Type of frame Interface requirementsFC Scsi FCP response codes Function name Response code Fibre Channel task management functionsFibre Channel task management responses Fibre Channel port login NPort login Plogi payload BytesFibre Channel port login accept Fibre Channel Process LoginNPort Login Accept ACC payload Bytes Process Login Plri payloadFibre Channel Process Login Accept Fibre Channel fabric loginProcess Login Accept ACC payload Bytes Fabric Login Flogi payload BytesFibre Channel fabric accept login Fabric Login Accept ACC payload BytesDual port support Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop optionsFC-AL options supported Option SupportedScsi commands supported Supported commands Command code Command nameVerify error recovery page 07h Savvio 10K.4 FC Product Manual, Rev. a Temperature page 0Dh Savvio 10K.4 FC inquiry data Bytes Data hex Mode Sense dataInquiry data Page Mode Data Header 34 65 f8 70 00 00 02 Miscellaneous operating features and conditions Supported Feature or conditionPhysical description Physical characteristicsFC-AL physical interface Pin descriptions Connector requirementsElectrical description FC-SCA pin descriptions Pin Signal name Signal type FC-AL transmitters and receiversPower Fault LED OutMotor start controls Enable port bypass signalsActive LED Out Parallel Enclosure Services Interface ESI 11 SEL6 through SEL0 ID linesAlpa SEL ID Device control codes Signal characteristicsTTL input characteristics FC Differential input LED driver signalsFC Differential output Receive eye diagram Eye diagram data values Link rate GHz Web Seagate Technology support servicesWarranty Support Technical Support Warranty Service Data Recovery Services Authorized Service CentersData Recovery Services Call Center Toll-free Direct dial Presales SupportSavvio 10K.4 FC Product Manual, Rev. a Index FCP Flogi Plogi Page See also cooling Page Seagate Technology LLC