“provisioning” and “outsourcing.” OCS can perform numerous billing functions. It can bill a subscriber’s credit card periodically (such as, monthly fixed service charges from an apartment dweller) or as services are delivered (such as a daily charge in a hotel room once a guest requests Internet service). OCS can handle billing through a credit card service bureau, or it can send its billing information to an SMS2000 connected via a serial interface to a hotel Property Management System (PMS).
The OCS software performs various functions:
•Authenticates and authorizes individual users.
•Manages specific policies for users and properties.
•Handles credit card billing.
•Stores accounting information.
•Delivers Web content.
•Sends billing information to a hotel PMS connected to an SMS2000.
•Offers subscribers multiple service levels as configured by the service provider.
•Provides service offerings that are configurable by properties, room types, and rooms.
•Is completely service provider customizable and brandable.
The SMS2000 and OCS do not have to be connected to the same network. They can communicate with each other over the Internet.
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