Primary Master/Slave Sub-Menu
The system displays advanced details like the number of heads/cylinders/sectors on the detected disk and the maximum storage capacity of the disk.
This option lets you set the following hard disk parameters:
Selects the type of device connected to the system.
Options: Auto / CD/DVD / Not Installed / ARMD
Multi-Sector Transfers
This option allows you to specify the number of sectors per block for multiple sector transfers.
Options: Disabled / 2 Sectors / 4 Sectors / 8 Sectors / 16 Sectors
LBA Mode Control
Enables or disables LBA Mode.
In LBA Mode, instead of referring to a cylinder, head and sector number, each sector is instead assigned a unique "sector number". In essence, the sectors are numbered 0, 1, 2, etc. up to
When LBA is turned on, the BIOS will enable geometry translation. This translation may be done in the same way that it is done in Extended CHS or large mode, or it