VXI Technology, Inc.
NOTE | The 169.254/16 subnet is reserved by the IANA for AutoIP usage. It should not be used for either |
| DHCP or static IP configurations. |
| However, a much more convenient and recommended way to obtain the benefits of a static IP |
| address is to employ DHCP, but assign the instrument a reserved IP address in your company’s |
| DHCP server configuration. This reserved address, linked to the EX7000’s MAC address on the |
| DHCP server, would be assigned to the EX7000 at power up initialization without having to |
| manually set it on the EX7000. The DHCP server configuration provides a centralized, controlled |
| database of assigned IP addresses, preventing accidental assignment of the same IP address to |
| multiple instruments. Consult your company’s Information Technology department for assistance. |
| |
| network to be found without knowledge of their MAC address or IP address with the use of a |
| broadcast message. Additionally, the EX7000 provides MDSN (multicast domain name system) |
| support and may be discovered by software such as Bonjour®. |
30 | EX7000 Series Web Page Operation |