NXP Semiconductors | UM10301 |
| User Manual PCF85x3, PCA8565 and PCF2123, PCA2125 |
layer 1 | guard ring |
| oscillator | bypass | ||
| capacitor | capacitor | |||
| ||||
| VDD |
OSCO | PCF8563TS | CLK |
| |
| SCL |
| SDA |
ground via | GND area | 001aai849 |
Fig 15. PCB layout proposal for PCF8563 using SMD components and guard ring
Remark: Take precautions when cleaning PCBs containing tuning fork crystals using ultrasound. The resonance vibration may damage the crystal. Consult the supplier of the crystal in case of doubt.
15. Partial circuit switch down
Therefore it is possible to partially switch off VDD such that the RTC is powered down or working at a lower supply voltage than the rest of the circuit without the risk that via such (upper) clamping diodes SDA, SCL and INT would be pulled down as well.
The other way around with only the RTC powered in order to keep time and the rest of the circuit switched off will be a more common situation. If during normal operation the complete application is powered by a certain VDD of for example 3.3 V or 5 V, then during standby just the RTC can be operating and powered from a backup source as discussed in Chapter 13. See Fig 16 and Fig 18 plus Fig 19.
PCF8583 has no protection diode from INT to VDD but has protection diodes from the I2C- bus pins to VDD ! Battery backup will work, but with the RTC powered down the
UM10301_1 |
| © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved. |
User manual | Rev. 01 — 23 December 2008 | 38 of 52 |